Willis writes from the Confederate Army of the Potomac, two miles from the Chickahominy River, on the privations of camp [though he is accompanied by a slave, Paris], and the expectation of a large scale engagement. He is spiritied by news of Stonewall Jackson's successes.
Willis writes from the centre of the Army of Richmond of the loses of the 5th and 6th South Carolina Regiments, skirmishes around camp and his concern for James Island, his family and the location of their slaves
Willis - 12th Regiment, South Carolina Volunteers - writes from near Richmond on charging with the 1st Regiment, under orders of General Gregg. He reports great loss of life including two "Rhetts" and Shubrick Hayne. Willis notes he is next to head off Union General McClellan.
[Typescript] Willis - 12th Regiment, South Carolina Volunteers - writes from near Richmond on charging with the 1st Regiment, under orders of General Gregg. He reports great loss of life including two "Rhetts" and Shubrick Hayne. Willis notes he is next to head off Union General McClellan.
[Incomplete letter] Willis writes detailing life at camp, a fateful charge [also described in previous correspondence] and its death tolls, and also the experiences of his camp slaves, Paris and Fred, who apparently declined an opportunity to desert.
Willis writes from camp that they are rumoured to be sent to Stonewall Jackson in "the Valley" and that Paris has found better clothing in the knapsacks of dead Union soldiers.
Willis writes from near Ripadan, Virginia, where Generals Lee and Johnston are in command. He speculates on a potential attack by the Confederates, though Union General Pope has pulled his men back.
Willis writes from Camp Gregg that living conditions have easied though he expects General Jackson will have them move up the Valley once the weather improves; he and Paris have had several items stolen; Dr. Prioleau expects furlough.
Willis writes from near Frederick City, MD, on the Second Battle of Bull Run or Manassas. His account (which places him at Manassas Junction), describes the battle-scenes and skirmishes, and his belief the "Yankees" had suffered more casualties. He also notes his inability to get some goods at Frederick City on account of the store owners being "Unionists"; his discovery that his hired "boy" was a runaway slave, (he has also fled from Keith); the misery of camp and his idea of resigning and returning to South Carolina to join Marion's Artillery who "will never be sent out of state".
Willis writes from Charlestown, Va, on having taken 1,300 prisoners at Harpers Ferry (many Vermonters); on the Second Battle of Bull Run or Manassas; his continued interest in resigning and joining Marion Artillery in South Carolina; the deaths of Nathaniel Heyward and Lt. Munroe of Charleston and his frustration at not being able to secure a slave to tend to him. He notes that he is writing on "captured paper" and the pro-Union sentiment on the envelope ("The Union and the Constitution must and shall be preserved") is crossed out.
Willis writes from Camp Gregg that the attack on Charleston has not come; that he has a new set of Field Officers; his hopes of returning to South Carolina but belief that General Jackson will not be sent from Virginia.
Willis writes from Camp Gregg that although the Regiment is to prepare to march, the heavy rain keeps them stationary; that his young male friends at home have little idea of the suffering in the War; Dr. Prioleau remains on furlough.
Willis writes from Camp Gregg thanking his mother for the food she sent; his fear Paris will die and his eagerness to get a replacement slave; his delight that an ironclad has been sunk in Charleston harbor
Willis writes from near Camp Gregg on the "terrible blow" of Stonewall Jackson's death, which Keith believes the Union Army will view as better than a battlefield victory; his uncertainty in matters of faith
Willis writes from breastworks near Fredericksburg, Va. on skirmishes and picketing; a Union request for the picketing to end and its refusual; Willis's suggestion his father come to see the battlefield; the decomposing bodies of "Yankees" from the battle of Fredericksburg [De1862]; desire to acquire a younger slave
Willis writes from breastworks near Fredericksburg, Va. that the "enemy" have moved to the opposite side of the river; Willis wonders where General Hooker will make his new base; inability to get Paris a horse, except for $400
Willis writes from Chambersberg, Pa., at the end of a march from Fredericksburg, Va., on passing through "Yankee" territory, with General Jenkins at the head
Willis writes from Williamsport, MD., on a disappointing battle [Gettysburg], where "very many valuable men" were lost; that General Lee is not to cross the Potomac for a "few days".
Willis writes from Williamsport, MD., near the Potomac River, unsure if they are to cross once again. His regiment lost 25 men in a recent encounter. Willis wonders if Vicksburg has fallen, and if his family are headed to Flat Rock, N.C., soon.
Willis writes from Winchester, Va., on Paris having "disappeared" and being left with no-one "to do a hands turn for me"; his reflection: "Our reverse in Pennsylvania, and then the far greater blow, the loss of Vicksburg, and Port Hudson, look gloomy for the Confederacy"; his taking pants from a corpse? on the battlefield.
Willis writes from near Culpeper, Va., on the miserable marching at the Potomac; his impressive horse and the desire of the Regiment to go to S.to "storm the Yankees off Morris Island"
Willis writes from near Orange, Va., that he is upset by the dissatisfaction in some of the Confederate States, that he wishes a dictator was put in place (he would support Jefferson Davis in this role) and that civil law was abolished. He has lost all faith in England.
Samuel Wragg Ferguson, aide-de-camp to General P.G.T. Beauregard, writes to his godmother from Manassas Junction, on July 10th, 1861, just days before the First Battle of Bull Run. He mentions preparations being made to set up hospitals for the sick and wounded, the capture of the privateer Savannah and Jefferson Davis' warning to Lincoln not to deal harshly with the crew. He writes that Union prisoners in Richmond, who were allowed to roam freely, were "arrested and confined in consequence of the accounts received of the trial of the crew of the Savannah." 4p.
Samuel Wragg Ferguson, aide-de-camp to General P.G.T. Beauregard, writes to his godmother from Fairfax Court House, Virginia, September 13th, 1861. Ferguson details a recent skirmish in Lewinsville pitting Union troops against Confederate Col. J.E.B. Stuart's men in which "we got seven killed, wounded and prisoners and know that they carried off many of their dead...fact is they wont stay to be killed." He writes of the secret construction of a battery along the Potomac that "will entirely stop the navigation of the river" and warns his godmother not to let "any communicative person hear any thing of this." On the envelope is written "there is a secret in this." 5p.
John writes that Union forces are putting torpedoes in the Stono river to blow up Confederate boats, but that all attempts, thus far, have been unsuccessful.
Samuel Wragg Ferguson, aide-de-camp to General P.G.T. Beauregard, writes to his godmother from Centreville, Virginia, January 29th, 1862. Ferguson writes that General Beauregard has received orders to proceed to Columbus, Ky., a "new scene of action and I hope of victory and glory." He yearns for news of Union commander Ambrose Burnside's naval expedition which recently sailed and has "occupied so much attention both North and South." 3p.
Samuel Wragg Ferguson, aide-de-camp to General P.G.T. Beauregard, writes to his godmother from Jackson, Tennessee on March 3rd, 1862. Ferguson writes about an offer for promotion to Lt. Colonel, the illness of Gen. Beauregard, and the successful evacuation of Columbus, Kentucky, "an imperative but most difficult problem, accomplished with wonderful luck." He questions the Union's decision not to attack during the evacuation as this would have caused "the abandonment of many heavy guns and large supplies of ammunition, now happily in position at other and better points." 4p.
Kate Ferguson, wife of Samuel Wragg Ferguson, writes to her husband's godmother. This undated letter was apparently written after Samuel Ferguson's promotion to brigadier general in the Confederate army. She relates how "Ferguson's command is now resting from his last terrible raid" and that "Capt Nugent and William Barker have not yet returned from Deer Creek." 4p.
Letter from R.B. Rhett to James B. Heyward offering his condolences upon hearing of the death of James' son, Nathaniel, in Virginia (Manassas). R.B. Rhett expresses his sorrow at not being able to thank Nathaniel for the kindness he showed his son, Robert, at the battle of Gaines' Mill. 2p. October 1, 1862.
Letter from John W. Chambers to James B. Heyward concerning his slave, John, the body servant of James' deceased son Nathaniel. Captain Chambers writes that sending James' servant to Richmond is problematic because of the heavy travel on the rail route and that "it is with difficulty a white person can engage a passage and any servant would be compelled to walk." 1p. November 1, 1862.
Letter from H.C. Palmer to (probably) James B. Heyward. Heyward had questioned the veracity of a letter that claimed his son's remains were disinterred from the battlefield at Manassas. This letter from Palmer apparently informs Heyward how he came in possession of the note concerning the claim and apologizes if the information was inaccurate. 1p. November 10, 1862.
Letter from Mary Heyward to her cousin Frank Heyward about the death of his brother Nathaniel at Manassas. She writes that his father, James, is traveling to Gordonsville, Virginia, and possibly on "to the battlefield" and laments "the war has really come home to us." 4p. September 11, 1862.
Letter from Sue M. Monroe to Nellie [B. Clarksall?] concerning the body of Nathaniel Heyward (II), who was killed in the Second Battle of Bull Run, August 1862. Monroe apparently tried to catalog and care for the graves of those buried on the battlefield at Manassas. 4p. October 12, 1898.
Letter from James B. Heyward to an unknown recipient carried by one of his overseers, C. R. Hains, who is reporting for duty. In his letter, James protests the conscription of plantation overseers into the Confederate army claiming they "have large numbers of negroes under their charge" and that "in his absence the timid become panic struck and the bold mischievous." He also argues that the overseers "by means of espionage know every thing that is going on" and that well run plantations can better provide supplies to the war cause. 4p. November 12, 1861.
Letter from Susan S. Keith to her daughter giving her a first hand account of the great fire that devastated Charleston in December, 1861. "The City is nearly destroyed," she writes, "such a scene of desolation and destruction I never beheld." 4p. December 14, 1861.