Welcoming LCDL’s Newest Partners
We are pleased to announce our newest partners who joined LCDL in 2019: Battery Gadsden Cultural Center with Mike Walsh, and St. Matthews Lutheran Church with English Drews and Nancy Kruger.
The mission of Battery Gadsden Cultural Center is to preserve and celebrate the history and culture of Sullivan’s Island, South Carolina. Battery Gadsden Cultural Center works to preserve and provide access to the civilian history of Sullivan’s Island; to provide a space for the display of art and artifacts; to provide a space for artists to work and display artistic creations; and to provide a space for community events and artistic performances. Battery Gadsden Cultural Center launches its partnership with LCDL with the Sullivan’s Island Oral History Collection.
St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church archives is comprised of volunteers dedicated to protecting the rich history of the Church. The archives collection includes a vast range of documents in German and English dating back to 1840, including Hampstedt Cemetery (1841-1859), as well as historical records of Bethany Cemetery which was purchased by the Church in 1856. The archive’s first collection with LCDL is the Historical and Governing Records, 1841-1925.