[So schwör ich, was geschrieben hat der Medakdek…]

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- Title:
- [So schwör ich, was geschrieben hat der Medakdek…]
- Date:
- 1853
- Description:
- Caricature published in the Düsseldorfer Monathefte, Band 6, No. 23. In German, the text reads : --"So schwör ich, was geschrieben hat der Medakdek, hat er gesagt ganz vor mir: Du bist mein Tagsgedanke und mein Traum: ich denke immer an Dir Sahrchen!" --"Mach mir kahn Stuss, kahn Geschnuss! Was werste denken uf der Börsch, wannste kaafst Lombarden? Denkste an mir, waass Gott da werste beschummelt! --"Sey still, mein Herzche! Uf der Börsch u. in's Comtowahr denk ich ans Geschäftche." In English, the text reads : --"I swear, what the Medakdek wrote, he said before me whole : You are my daily thought and my dream: I always think of you, dear Sarah! --"Don't give me that rubbish, no stories! What do you think of when you're at the stock exchange, when you're buying shares? Do you think of me, God knows you would have been cheated!" --"Be quiet, my darling! At the Stock Exchange and in the accounts I think of business."
- Collection Title:
- William A. Rosenthall Judaica Collection - Prints and Photographs
- Contributing Institution:
- College of Charleston Libraries
- Media Type:
- Images
- Topical Subject:
- Jews--Caricatures and cartoons and Antisemitism--Caricatures and cartoons
- Language:
- German
- Shelving Locator:
- Print Portfolio 22,cofc-war-print22-046
- Date Digital:
- 2014-01-13
- Digitization Specifications:
- Scanned with Epson Expression 10000 XL, 600 ppi, 24-bit color. Archival tiff image available.
- Internet Media Type:
- image/jpeg
- Copyright Status Statement:
- Copyright status undetermined.
- Access Information:
- For more information contact Special Collections at the College of Charleston Libraries, Charleston, SC 29424.
- Admin ID:
- 40334