Vivian Cleary, Interview by April Silva and Roslyn Cleary, 10 April 2019
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- Title:
- Vivian Cleary, Interview by April Silva and Roslyn Cleary, 10 April 2019
- Date:
- 2019
- Interviewee:
- Cleary, Vivian
- Description:
- Vivian Cleary, 64, was born in Dublin, Ireland. He shares stories about life in the Northside of Dublin. Vivian lived in Dublin until he was three years old when his parents moved to Birmingham, England, where he lived until the age of 17. Vivian shares experiences of family holidays in Ireland. Vivian came to Charleston twenty years ago and discusses how different life is in America. He discusses political issues with America during this time along with the process for applying for permanent residency. Vivian is also able to shed light on historical events in Ireland, such as experiences with the IRA, and separation of Northern Ireland and the Republic.
- Collection Title:
- Irish Heritage Oral History Collection
- Contributing Institution:
- College of Charleston Libraries
- Media Type:
- Oral Histories
- Topical Subject:
- Irish, Southern States--History, Family histories
- Geographic Subject:
- Charleston (S.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Digital:
- 2019-04-10
- Digitization Specifications:
- Mp3 audio is original from source device. Archival masters are converted wav files.
- Format:
- audio/mpeg
- Copyright Status Statement:
- Copyright © College of Charleston Libraries
- Access Statement:
- All rights reserved. For more information contact Special Collections at College of Charleston Libraries, 66 George St., Charleston, SC 29424.
- Admin ID:
- 250071