Document entitled, "Center for African and African-American Studies Bibliography No. 2," prepared as a class project for Professor Casper Jordan at the Atlanta University School of Library Science.
The pamphlet, Let's Make a Record of Your NAACP Campaign, highlights ways in which one can record their personal involvement to "bring better results to the organization and direction for the Campaign."
The General Loan Closing Instructions "have been prepared for settlement attorneys and agents who will close loans in the name of Bankers First Federal Savings & Loan Association."
Photocopy of NAACP document entitled, "Report of the Committee on Resolutions Adopted at the 84th Annual Convention," written by Leon W. Russell, Chair.
Comprehensive Manpower Program Staff Cost Backup and Budget Summary for the Historic Building Restoration program of Penn Community Services, listing position titles and salaries, timetable, tools and equipment for renovation project.