Page of 50 shekel banknotes with portraits of David Ben-Gurion, first Prime Minister of Israel, in front of the Ben-Gurion Heritage Institute in Sde Boker.
Postcard with a black-and-white illustrated portrait of Abraham Josef Baral, from Kovno (Kaunas), fell in the night of 24 Jiar 5670 (June 2, 1910) while on watch in Sejera (Ilaniya). From the book Jiskor : ein Buch des Gedenkens an gefallene Wächter und Arbeiter im Lande Israel, published Berlin: Jüdischer Verlag, 1918.
Color photographic postcard of Arthur Balfour's reception at the Tel Aviv Municipality during his 1925 visit to Palestine. From left to right: Arthur Balfour, Meir Dizengoff, Chaim Weizmann.
Color photographic postcard of Arthur Balfour's reception at the Zionist Club in Tel Aviv during his 1925 visit to Palestine. Meir Dizengoff stands to his left.
Color photographic postcard of Arthur Balfour in the courtyard of the Herzliya Hebrew Gymnasium in Tel Aviv during his 1925 visit to Palestine. Nahum Sokolow is to his left; Meir Dizengoff and Chaim Weizmann are behind him.