Program for the Charleston Kalushiner Society's 14th Annual Banquet held at the Francis Marion Hotel. The program includes a menu, and a schedule of the event, and officers of the Society. The program notes an address to be given by Rabbi Dr. Jacob S. Raisin.
Unpublished partial manuscript copy entitled, "Jewish Affirmations," written by Jacob S. Raisin. This manuscript covers Raisin's thoughts on various aspects of Judaism and Jewish peoples.
Meeting minutes volume kept by the Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim Board of Trustees, 1916-1928. The entries in this volume concern all discussions regarding synagogue business, finances, memberships. The minutes also discuss supporting troops during World War I, as well as correspondences and meetings with the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, and preparations for the 100th Anniversary of the Reform Judaism in America.
Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim congregation yearbook compiled by Jacob S. Raisin, 1916. The yearbook includes information regarding the congregation, annual calendars, organization associated with KKBE, marriages, births, deaths, membership, and notable historical events.
Unpublished manuscript entitled, "The Conflict Between Rationalism and Traditionalism or Reform Judaism Prior to Abraham Geiger," written by Jacob Salmon Raisin. In this manuscript, Raisin discusses many topics regarding the events and changes in thought which lead to the emergence of modern Reform Judaism.
Unpublished manuscript entitled, "Washington the Mason," written by Jacob Salmon Raisin. The manuscript covers Raisin's thoughts on George Washington and his contributions to Freemasonry. The manuscript also mentions connections between Judaism and Freemasonry.
Unpublished manuscript written by Jacob S. Raisin entitled, "Lincoln, the First American." Manuscript discusses Raisin's thoughts on the importance of Abraham Lincoln's birthday.
Unpublished manuscript entitled, "Minhagim of Nomology (Customs of Law-Making)," written by Jacob Salmon Raisin. The manuscript covers information regarding various topics related to the history and emergence of Reform Judaism, and Minhagim or Jewish Customs.
Typescript copy of a narrative given by Octavia Harby Moses describing her family's experience throughout the Civil War. She discusses the Confederate service of her sons and husband, work done by women during the war, and includes mentions of African American soldiers and servants.
Meeting minutes volume kept by the Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim Board of Trustees, 1909-1916. The entries in this volume concern all discussions regarding synagogue business, finances, memberships, and its search for a new minister. It also mentions replacing the cemetery fence with help from the "ladies."
Diary kept by Rabbi Jacob S. Raisin entitled, "Light and Shadows." The diary is comprised of personal entries and correspondence bound together to create a chronological log of events during Jacob S. Raisin's life and Rabbinical career between the years of 1905-1910.
A commencement speech delivered by former Confederate general Edwin Warren Moïse to the graduating class of a school for girls. In the speech, he discusses gender roles and acceptable jobs for women. As career paths, he suggests women become cooks, tailors, gardeners, artists, stenographers, nurses, and doctors. He cites several notable female historical and contemporary figures as examples.
Meeting minutes volume kept by the Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim Board of Trustees, 1897-1909. The entries in this volume concern all discussions regarding synagogue business, finances, memberships, the "Ottolengui Fund," the management of several real estate assets, the installation of electric lights in the synagogue, and the decision to discuss a reverend's conduct with him.
1890-1899, 1900-1909, 1880-1889, 1870-1879, 1860-1869, and 1910-1919
Meeting minutes volume kept by the Ladies Hebrew Benevolent Society, 1869-1915. The volume contains sporadic entries regarding all Society business, data on constitutions, finances, membership, aid given by the Society. The volume also includes resolutions on the deaths of members including that of Miss Sally Lopez, founder of the Society.
Diary kept by Rabbi Jacob S. Raisin entitled, "My Life's Tragi-Comedy." The diary is comprised of personal entries and correspondence bound together in order to create a chronological log of events during Jacob S. Raisin's life and Rabbinical career between the years of 1892-1905.
Summons sent to Samuel Hart Sr. from Nathaniel Levin, secretary and treasurer of KKBE Board of Trustees, requesting Hart's presence at a meeting for the sale of synagogue seats.
A typescript recollection written by Eugenia Phillips, entitled, "A Southern Woman's Story of Her Imprisonment During the War of 1861 and 1862," October, 14, 1889. This recollection is written in regards to Phillips' imprisonment, first in Washington D.C. and later on Ship Island, M.S., during the Civil War. This recollection also includes Eugenia's comments on the beginnings of the Civil War, her treatment by the Union troops, traveling with her family, and her experience at the Union prison and detention center on Ship Island, M.S.
Meeting minutes volume kept by the Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim Board of Trustees, 1875-1884. The entries in this volume cover all synagogue business, finances, membership, ministers, the introduction of pews to the synagogue, and synagogue music. The volume also includes entries regarding the death of Miss Penina Moise, a prominent poet and member of the congregation.
Manuscript entitled, "Reminiscences of the Late Civil War," written by William Hallett Phillips, August 1876. The manuscript includes recollections of Phillips' family's life during the Civil War. Phillips relates various experiences including the imprisonment of his mother, Eugenia Phillips, in Washington, D.C. and on Ship Island, the hanging of William Bruce Mumford, hiding valuables from Union troops, women during the war, being a young boy at the time of the war, and reactions to General Lee's surrender.
Scrapbook given to Benjamin Adolf Rodrigues Ottolengui by his mother and father, Helen Rodriguez Ottolengui and Daniel Ottolengui. The book includes a number of newspaper clippings notably regarding topics such as women, the Civil War, theatre performances, and politics. The book also includes two handwritten poems by Daniel Ottolengui entitled, "The Blackbird" and "The Lying Machine."
Letter from Joseph H. M. Chumaciero, KKBE minister, to Philip Wineman, President of the Board of Trustees, regarding credentials for a "Mr. Garfunkle."
Typescript memoir entitled, "A Summary of the Principal Events of My Life," written by Philip Phillips, June 1870. Phillips' memoir includes early biographical information, his education, the beginnings and development of his career as a lawyer and eventually as a congressman, the Tariff Acts of 1828, the Missouri Compromise, the beginnings of the Civil War, and his wife's imprisonment in Washington D.C. and on Ship Island. The memoir also relates various experiences had by the Phillips family throughout the Civil War.
Meeting minutes volume kept by the Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim Board of Trustees, 1866-1875. The entries in this volume concern all synagogue business, finances, membership, and plans of the amalgamation between the KKBE and Shearith Israel congregations. This volume also includes entries from 1863 regarding destruction caused in the midst of the Civil War.
Black and white portrait of David Daniel Cohen Jr., brother of Asher D. Cohen, 2x3 inches. Portrait card also includes a blue George Washington postage stamp.
A letter from Benjamin D. Lazarus to Charles H. Moise, the KKBE President of the Board. Lazarus, having served as the previous President of the Board, explains information regarding documents, books, and artifacts he possessed as President which he has since given to Moise.
An album of carte de visites from the 1860s. Photos picture relatives of the Hyams, Cohen, and Pearlstine families along with several unidentified portraits.
Diary kept by Eleanor H. Cohen Seixas including an account of General Sherman's raid in Columbia, S.C. The diary holds descriptions of Eleanor Cohen Seixas' political views and her comments on slavery. It also includes an account of her family's experience following the end of the Civil War, and discusses her marriage to Benjamin M. Seixas.
Autograph Album belonging to Mary Hannah Levy. The album includes various newspaper clippings, handwritten poems, and handwritten notes from friends and family members.
Album belonging to Rachel H. Levy. The album includes various newspaper clippings, handwritten poems by Levy and others, as well as handwritten notes from friends and family members.
Album belonging to Elizabeth J. Levy. The album includes various newspaper clippings, handwritten poems by Levy and others, as well as handwritten notes from friends and family members.
Meeting minutes volume kept by the Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim Board of Trustees, 1857-1866. The entries in this volume concern all synagogue business, finances, membership, alterations regarding seating within the synagogue, the organ, and the choir. This volume also covers discussions regarding the amalgamation of the KKBE and Shearith Israel congregations in Charleston, S.C.
Meeting minutes volume kept by the Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim Board of Trustees, 1846-1852. The entries in this volume concern all discussions regarding synagogue business, finances, memberships, the search for a new minister, and the beginnings of Reform Judaism within the congregation. The entries also include notes on Reverend Gustavus Poznanski and his thoughts on the Reform.
Meeting minutes volume kept by the Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim Board of Trustees, 1838-1843. This meeting minutes volume is the first volume created by the KKBE Board of Trustees following the fire of 1838, which had destroyed the old synagogue and all earlier minutes books. The entries in this volume concern all matters regarding synagogue business, finances, memberships, rebuilding the synagogue, and establishing a school for the congregation youth. The minutes also include discussions regarding the proposal of purchasing an organ for the new synagogue, which would contribute to a schism within the congregation and begin KKBE's turn towards Reform Judaism.
Album belonging to Esther Eudora Ezekiel Hart. The album includes various handwritten poems, songs, and notes from friends and family members. The album also includes a number of transcribed portions of texts and quotations from various literary figures such as Lord Byron, William Shakespeare, Alexander Pope, and John Milton.
Scrapbook understood to be compiled by Abraham Moise Jr. containing handwritten comments and a collection of newspaper clippings. Some of the clippings discuss such subjects as women, and the lives and obituaries of prominent South Carolinians. Most of the book is composed of clippings related to the political controversy concerning the doctrine of Nullification and the Tariff Bill of 28. The book also includes a handwritten essay discussing the origin of the Hebrew word "Elohim."
Meeting minutes volume kept by the Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim Trustees of the New Burying Ground, 1798-1799. Entries in this volume concern discussions regarding the proposal to purchase land at Hampstead, in Charleston, S.C., for the construction of a new burial ground to be used by the KKBE congregation. The volume also includes entries discussing the plans for the layout of the burial plots for the new burying grounds.
Cashbook kept by Isaac Harby containing information for parents with children enrolled at Harby's Academy in Charleston, South Carolina. The cashbook includes notes on tuition fees and general expenses of the institution. The book tracks tuition and supply costs for students, and also mentions when students left the school.
Copybook kept by Isaac Harby containing various essays focusing on topics such as politics, antiquity, history, religion, and dramatic criticism. The copybook also includes some obituaries.
An undated typescript copy of the recollection written by Eugenia Phillips, entitled, "A Southern Woman's Story of Her Imprisonment During the War of 1861 and 1862." This recollection is written in regards to Phillips' imprisonment, first in Washington D.C. and later on Ship Island, M.S., during the Civil War. This recollection also includes Eugenia's comments on the beginnings of the Civil War, her treatment by the Union troops, traveling with her family, and her experience at the Union prison and detention center on Ship Island, M.S.
Scrapbook created by Penina Moise for her niece, Nina Moise Solomon Phelps. The scrapbook includes a number of newspaper and magazine clippings, as well as illustrations. Most of the included content is related to women, men, romance, motherhood, and children.
Partial manuscript copy of "The Presidency" written by Isaac Harby. "The Presidency" discusses Harby's thoughts on politics, opinions surrounding John Quincy Adams, war, dividing the states, democracy, and the 1824 election between John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson.
Unpublished partial manuscript entitled, "The Sayings of the Fathers," written by Jacob S. Raisin. The manuscript covers Raisin's "Three Pillars of Society," which he notes as the Torah, worship, and deeds of kindness.
Unpublished manuscript and notes written by Jacob S. Raisin entitled, "The Jews of Charleston." The manuscript covers Raisin's report on the history of Jewish peoples in Charleston.
Manuscript copy of Isaac Harby's prayer book made for his sister, Caroline de Litchfield Harby. The prayer book includes a number of prayers, psalms, and hymns for specific occasions; instructions for the service structure of various special holidays and ceremonies; and the "Articles of Faith" as adopted by the Reformed Society of Israelites.
A family photo of Blanche and A.A. Strauss standing on either side of Hyman and Esther Pearlstine. Milton and Edwin Pearlstine sit on their parents' laps.