The Horlbeck Daybook, 1835-1837, was kept by members of the Horlbeck building and architectural business. Included in the daybook are lists of work done for clients such as remodeling, repair, or construction. Buildings worked on include the jail, St. Stephen's Chapel, the Fire Master's Department, and the Poor House. The descriptions include types of materials used and the number of Black and White employees working. Black employees consist of enslaved and freed persons.
The Horlbeck Cash and Estimate Book, 1839-1849, was kept by members of the Horlbeck building and architectural business. The first half of the book is a cash book listing expenses and income. Expenses were for laborers described as white and "negroe", lime, bricks and "negro cloth." The second half of the book lists projected costs, lists of supplies, descriptions and occasional floor plans and drawings for structures to be built, repaired, and remodeled. Buildings include a dwelling house for a "Colored Man" and an Engine House.
The Horlbeck Ledger, 1839-1847, is a bound volume by members of the Horlbeck building and architectural business. The book records work done for clients White and Black employees and specifies the type of repair, remodeling or construction jobs and supplies. Black employees are comprised of enslaved persons and freed men and women.
Pencil sketches by Charleston-born architect William Martin Aiken. Mainly Aiken's copies of fellow student's work, drawn while travelling in Europe (primarily France and Italy). Initials of original artist are often provided.
Pencil sketches by Charleston-born architect William Martin Aiken. Primarily interior architectural features from Venice, Italy, with a few outdoor scenes.
(Front) 5x8 index card survey of 6 and 8 Archdale Street (Unitarian Church). Notes indicate the state of the building. Includes three thumbnail images of the dwelling. (Back) More notes on building.
(Front) 5x8 index card survey of 91 Anson Street (St. Joseph's School and Rectory). Notes indicate the state of the dwelling. (Back) Includes more notes on building.
(Front) 5x8 index card survey of 91 Anson Street (St. Joseph's Church). Notes indicate the state of the dwelling. (Back) Includes more notes on building.
(Front) 5x8 index card survey of 79 Anson Street. Notes indicate the state of the dwelling. Notes state "good kitchen building." Includes thumbnail image of the dwelling. (Back) Notes on interior and value. Signed S.G.S.
(Front) 5x8 index card survey of 118 Broad Street. Notes indicate the state of the property. Includes thumbnail image of the property. (Back) Notes on historical significance of fence.
(Front) 5 x 8 index card with survey of 28 George Street. Includes two thumbnail images of dwelling. "Gone 1979". (Back) Includes notes from Alice Huger Smith and two images of the dwelling.
(Front) 5x8 index card survey of 36 Charlotte Street. Notes indicate the state of the dwelling. Includes thumbnail image of the dwelling. (Back) Drawing of cornice trim and notes on architecture.
(Front) 5x8 index card survey of 37 Church Street. Notes indicate the state of the dwelling. Includes thumbnail image of the dwelling. (Back) Notes that this is the George Matthews House.
(Front) 5x8 index card survey of 53 Church Street. Notes indicate the state of the dwelling. Includes thumbnail image of the dwelling. (Back) Notes on fence.
(Front) 5x8 index card survey of 14, 16, and 18 Bull Street. Notes indicate the state of the dwelling. Does not include an image of the dwellings. (Back) Includes thumbnail image of 18 Bull Street.
(Front) 5x8 index card survey of 6 Hampstead Square. Notes indicate state of dwelling. Includes one thumbnail image of dwelling. (Back) Notes say that this was Eriston-Butler House.
(Front) 5x8 index card survey of 20 Elliot Street. Notes indicate state of dwelling. Includes one thumbnail image of dwelling. (Back) Notes by A.S. and S.G.S. on back.
(Front) 5 x 8 index card with survey of 13 Franklin Street. Includes two thumbnail images of dwelling. (Back) Includes notes from Alice Huger Smith and a larger image of dwelling.
(Front) 5 x 8 index card with survey of 20 Franklin Street. Includes two thumbnail images of the building. Notes indicate building was the Marine Hospital. (Back) Includes notes from Alice Huger Smith that the building was designed by Robert Mills.
(Front) 5 x 8 index card with survey of 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16 Gadsden Street. Includes one thumbnail image of dwelling. (Back) Includes notes from Alice Huger Smith.
(Front) 5 x 8 index card with survey of 15 Franklin Street. Includes one thumbnail image of dwelling. (Back) Includes notes from Alice Huger Smith and a larger and smaller image of dwelling.
(Front) 5 x 8 index card with survey of 17 Franklin Street. Includes two thumbnail images of dwelling. (Back) Includes notes from Alice Huger Smith and a larger image of dwelling.
(Front) 5x8 index card survey of 47 Church Street and 14 Water Street. Notes indicate the state of the dwelling. Includes thumbnail image of the dwelling. (Back) Notes on building's entrances.
(Front) 5x8 index card survey of 59 Church Street. Notes indicate the state of the dwelling. Includes thumbnail image of the dwelling. (Back) Notes on building's alterations.
(Front) 5x8 index card survey of 60 Church Street. Notes indicate the state of the dwelling. Includes thumbnail image of the dwelling. (Back) Notes on building.
(Front) 5x8 index card survey of 55 Church Street. Notes indicate the state of the dwelling. Includes thumbnail image of the dwelling. (Back) Notes on building.