Document entitled, "Center for African and African-American Studies Bibliography No. 2," prepared as a class project for Professor Casper Jordan at the Atlanta University School of Library Science.
Pamphlet entitled, "How to Organize An NAACP Youth Council" published by the Youth and College Division, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
Legal document entitled, "In the State of South Carolina In the Supreme Court, Appeal from Orangeburg County Honorable John Grimball, Presiding Judge, No. 7577, The State, Respondent, against, Cleveland Sellers, Jr., Appellant, Brief for the Appellant, In Forma Pauperis."
Photocopy of writing entitled, "The All-African Peoples Revolutionary Party and the Masses of African People Are Marching For: Pan Africanism," discussing a "movement toward unity of all people of African origin who have collectively been exploited as workers and as a race."
All African People's Revolutionary Party writing entitled, "Towards Ideological Unity Within the Party" discussing a "need for systematic, widespread, thorough ideological education within our Party, the Convention People's Party."
Student Organization for Black Unity sponsored writing entitled, "Towards A Black University," written by Keith Lowe, discussing higher education for African Americans.
Correspondence from Dolores S. Greene, Project Director for the Petersfield Human Services Corporation, Inc., to William B. Whitney, Director of the CETA Division, regarding the Petersfield Human Services Corporation Proposal for Fiscal Year 1982 to 1983, beginning on October 1, 1982.
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee Motion Picture Project progress report and program outline, providing information on the project, including "training and and equipping of SNCC personnel as cameramen," "production of motion pictures for SNCC," "production of motion pictures by SNCC personnel," and "organizing the showing of films."
The Pan-African Work Center pamphlet entitled, "Education for Black People by Black People," providing a text and pictorial description of the Pan-African Work Center.
Writing entitled, "Submitted to Conference Convenors: Ethel Minor and Fletcher Smith," written by Jan Bailey regarding "the goals of working towards ideological clarity and concretizing a region structure" for the All African People's Revolutionary Party.
Correspondence from Lou Hunt, National Communications Center fro the All African People's Revolutionary Party, regarding the formal opening of the National Communications Center with enclosed related materials.
United States District Court, Southern District of New York complaint from the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee against the United States of America, Attorney General of the United States, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, et al., acting as "an action for money damages and injunctive relief arising under the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Ninth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States."
Photocopy stamped, "Draft" of Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws of the Palm Institute, a "community and youth development foundation," addressed to the Recorder of Deeds.
Photocopy of "The [Ankh] Paper," Volume I, Number 2, providing articles on a variety of issues regarding the injustices inflicted upon African Americans.
Statement submitted by the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee to the Platform Committee of the National Democratic Convention on Thursday morning, July 7, 1960 in Los Angeles, California.
United States District Court for the Eastern District of South Carolina, Charleston Division, Civil Action No. 7747, between Millicent F. Brown et al. versus School District No. 20 "for an injunction enjoining the operation of the school system of School District Number 20 in Charleston County, South Carolina, on a racially segregated basis."
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee pamphlet entitled, "Danville, Virginia," providing an "Official Record of Hospitalized Demonstrators" and narrative providing context for social injustices.
Tribute to the memory of Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt by the Honorable Frances Perkins, former secretary of labor for the Democratic National Committee Meeting held in Washington, D.C. on January 19, 1963.
Correspondence from Edward J. Odom, Jr., NAACP National Church Secretary, to friends of the NAACP regarding a Self-Help "Community Uplift" project and enclosed Guidelines for the project.
The Eastern Virginia Medical School's "Eastern Virginia Medical Authority" Dean's Newsletter, Volume 4, Number 5, for the months of April, May, and June of 1964.
Lowndes County Freedom Organization pamphlet providing information on the November 8th election, including candidates for Sheriff, Tax Collector, Tax Assessor, Coroner, and Board of Education, interspersed with a narrative of the organization presented in comic form.
Search Warrant in the Name of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania City and County of Philadelphia, Control No. 37066, issued to the District Attorney's office, requested by Irving R. Dean, Special Agent for the F.B.I, for George Brower for "any and all dynamite, blasting caps, percussion caps or any other explosive material" and statement by Barry Dawson.
Anti-war comic entitled, "Vietnam," providing arguments against the Vietnam War with an emphasis on the injustices with regard to African American enlisted soldiers.
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee periodical entitled, "Key List Mailing: Selected Documents of Current and Lasting Interest in the Civil Rights Movement," a service of the San Francisco Regional Office of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee.
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee periodical entitled, "Key List Mailing: Selected Documents of Current and Lasting Interest in the Civil Rights Movement," a service of the San Francisco Regional Office of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee.
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee periodical entitled, "Key List Mailing: Selected Documents of Current and Lasting Interest in the Civil Rights Movement," a service of the San Francisco Regional Office of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee.
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee book entitled, "Our Folktales," presenting a series of folktales compiled by Julius Lester and illustrated by Jennifer Lawson, edited by Mary Varela.