Schedule of activities sent from Septima P. Clark to J. Herman Blake, Acting Provost of College Seven, from October 8 to November 1, 1972 in Santa Cruz, California.
Institutional Development and Economic Affairs Service newsletter publication entitled, "Exchange," Volume 1, Number 1, "designed to discuss common coals, exchange program ideas and to trade news and information."
Typescript copy of J. Herman Blake's report to the Emil Schwarzhaupt Foundation entitled, "Citizen Participation. Democracy and Social Change," regarding community development in Johns Island, South Carolina and the Woodlawn Area on the south side of Chicago.
Photocopy of instructions manual regarding the Organization of the United States Commission on Civil Rights wherein the purpose, organizational designations, commissioners, office of the staff director, office of federal Civil Rights evaluation, office of general council, office of management, office of national civil rights issues, office of program and policy review, office of research, regional offices, office of age discrimination program, office organization, and organization chart are discussed.
Family Service Association of America document entitled, "Statement on Welfare Reform" submitted to Welform Reform Subcommittee of Committee on Agriculture, Committee on Education and Labor, Committee on Ways and Means, and U.S. House of Representatives.
Comprehensive Employment and Training Act Title IV project application to the Manpower Division of the Office of the Governor of the State of South Carolina regarding a proposal request.
Memorandum from Courtney Siceloff, Equal Opportunity Specialist, Southern Regional Office to the United States Commission on Civil Rights to South Carolina Advisory Committee regarding upcoming meeting on August 25, 1976 with enclosed draft proposal for study of racial discrimination.
Schedule of events for Third Annual Conference of The National Caucus on the Black Aged, Inc. entitled, "Aging Black Women and Federal Policies: 1960-2000 A.D." in Washington D.C.
Handwritten correspondence from Alvis V. Adair, President of DARS Research and Evaluation Systems Design, Inc., to Septima P. Clark offering his assistance in helping youths. Enclosed Alvis V. Adair resume.
Office of Economic Opportunity's Community Action Programs Address Directory and Directory of Community Action Grantees, listing "all agencies to whom grants have been made under the Community Action Program, Title II-A of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964.
South Carolina Federation of Women's and Girls' Clubs' Sixty-Fifth Annual Meeting publication. Publication contains program of events, photographs of club members in various locations around South Carolina, information on members and subgroups, and advertisements.
South Carolina Federation of Colored Women's Clubs' Fiftieth Anniversary publication. Affiliated with National Association of Colored Women's Clubs. Publication contains photographs of club members in various locations around South Carolina, information on members and subgroups, and advertisements.
"A Problem Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Course 533" entitled, "The Testing Program" by Septima P. Clark during her time as a graduate student at Hampton Insitute.
Essay entitled, "An Experiment in Individualizing Instruction in Reading in a Sixth Grade Class" presented by Septima Poinsette Clark, Bachelor of the Arts, Benedict College, 1942; Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts at Hampton Institute, 1946.
Constitution and By-Laws for Branches of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People wherein articles discuss Name and Object, Membership, Officers, Committees, Election of Officers and Executive Committees, Meetings, Dues, Dees and Assessment, Quorum, Order of Business, Expulsion, Suspension or Removal of Officers and Members, Suspension and Revocation of Charters, By-Laws, Admentments, Authorized Committees, Youth and Junior Youth Councils, Woman's Auxiliary, and Indebtness Fiscal Business Year.