Letter to Jane L. Raisin from her husband, Jacob S. Raisin, regarding visiting family, his sister's mourning, a car accident, and writing his article. The back of the letter also includes a note addressed to "Leo" from and unknown author.
Letter to Jane L. Raisin from her husband, Jacob S. Raisin, regarding his visit with family, comments on his brother's health and employment, and his excitement to see Jane in New York.
Handwritten letter from Jane Lazarus Raisin to husband Jacob Salmon Raisin, ellaborating travel instructions, and asking for updates on conversations with other people such as people named Clara, Isaac and Max. Makes mention of a key enclosed in the letter.
Letter to Jane L. Raisin from her husband, Jacob S. Raisin, regarding his travels abroad. The letter addresses reading letters from the family, the end of his Mediterranean trip, his upcoming boat trip back to America, and some of his time in France.
Letter sent to Jane L. Raisin from her husband, Jacob S. Raisin, regarding his stay with family in New York, news about his siblings and friends, and finances.
Letter to Jane L. Raisin from her husband, Jacob S. Raisin, regarding his time away from home, visiting family, plans to go to Bradley Beach, advice for his sister regarding her son, and translating one of his articles to Yiddish.
Letter to Jane L. Raisin from her husband, Jacob S. Raisin regarding his travels to New York, meeting with family members, and various topics for Jane to answer.
Letter to Jane L. Raisin from her husband, Jacob S. Raisin, regarding his stay with his brother, Max, in Brooklyn. Raisin also relates visiting with friends and discussing "business."