A letter to the Bishop W. A. Guerry from the State Advisory Board of the American Jewish Relief Committee requesting contribution towards the committee's work to aid Jewish sufferers of the war in Europe. Rabbi Dr. Jacob S. Raisin is listed as a member of the Advisory Board.
Program for the opening of the Salvation Army Naval and Military Club. The program notes the schedule of the event, and an address given by Rabbi Dr. Jacob S. Raisin.
Program for a sacred concert held by the War Camp Community Service. The program notes a prayer and the benediction being led by Rabbi Dr. Jacob S. Raisin.
Program for the Conference of Field Representatives and Community Chairmen of the Jewish Welfare Board held at the Ansley Hotel in Atlanta, GA. The program notes the schedule of events, and a list of officers and administration.
Program for the Jewish War Sufferers Relief Fund Rally held at the Opera House. The program notes the prayer and address led by Rabbi Dr. Jacob S. Raisin.
Program for the Jewish Community Center and Hebrew School Banquet for the Building Fund Campaign. The program includes a menu for the banquet, a schedule of events, lists members of the Steering Committee, and notes prayer led by Rabbi Dr. Jacob S. Raisin.
Advertisement for a mass meeting held at the Opera House in Aiken City. The advertisement notes the meeting being held in interest of the Jewish War Sufferers, and Rabbi Dr. Jacob S. Raisin as speaker.