Black-and-white engraving depicting Zipporah circumcising her son, as described in Exodus 4:25. Engraving by Georg Daniel Heumann. From Kupfer-Bibel, in welcher die Physica Sacra, oder geheiligte Natur-Wissenschafft derer in Heil. Schrifft vorkommenden Natürlichen Sachen by Johann Jakob Scheuchzer published Augsburg and Ulm: Christian Ulrich Wagner, 1731-1735.
Black-and-white etching depicting a Jewish circumcision. Etching by Jan Luyken. From Kerk-zeeden ende gewoonten die huiden in gebruik zijn onder de jooden by Leon Modena, published Amsterdam: Timotheus ten Hoorn.
Black-and-white engravings depicting a circumcision performed by a Portuguese Jewish family in Amsterdam, above, and pidyon haben (redemption of the first-born son), below. Engraving by Claude Du Bosc after Bernard Picart. From The Ceremonies and Religious Customs of the Various Nations of the Known World : together with historical annotations and several curious discourses... Written originally in French, and illustrated with a large number of folio copper plates designed by Mr. Bernard Picart, and curiously engraved by most of the best hands in Europe..., Volume 1, published London: William Jackson and Claude Dubosc, 1733-1739.
Black-and-white engraving depicting reading from a Torah scroll, above, and a Jewish circumcision, below. The Hebrew text on the Torah scroll reads : "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth" (Genesis 1:1). Frontispiece from Johannis BuxtorfI patris, Synagoga Judaica : de judaeorum fide, ritibus, ceremoniis, tam publicis & sacris, quàm privatis, in domestica vivendi ratione by Johannes Buxtorf, published Basileae: Sumptibus authoris, apud Johan. Jacobum Deckerum.
Black-and-white engraving depicting a Jewish circumcision. From Dictionnaire historique, critique, chronologique, geographique et litteral de la Bible, Volume 1, by Augustin Calmet, published Paris: Emery, Saugrain, & Pierre Martin.
Black-and-white engraving depicting a Jewish circumcision. From An historical, critical, geographical, chronological, and etymological dictionary of the Holy Bible, Volume 1, by Augustin Calmet, published London: Printed for J. J. and P. Knapton, etc.
Black-and-white engravings depicting a circumcision performed by a Portuguese Jewish family in Amsterdam, above, and pidyon haben (redemption of the first-born son), below. Engraving after Bernard Picart. From Histoire générale des cérémonies, moeurs, et coutumes religieuses de tous les peuples du monde / representées en 243 figures dessinées de la main de Bernard Picard, avec des explications historiques & curieuses par M. l’abbé Banier & par M. l’abbé Mascrier, Volume 1, published Paris: Rollin fils, 1741.
Black-and-white engravings depicting a circumcision performed by a Portuguese Jewish family in Amsterdam, above, and pidyon haben (redemption of the first-born son), below. Engraving by Bernard Picart. From Cérémonies et coutumes religieuses de tous les peuples du monde representées par des figures dessinées de la main de Bernard Picard: avec une explication historique, & quelques dissertations curieuses, Volume 1, published Amsterdam: J.F. Bernard, 1723-1737.
Black-and-white engraving depicting implements used in the ritual of circumcision. Below, a Torah scroll and its ornaments. Engraving by Bernard Picart. From Cérémonies et coutumes religieuses de tous les peuples du monde representées par des figures dessinées de la main de Bernard Picard: avec une explication historique, & quelques dissertations curieuses, Volume 1, published Amsterdam: J.F. Bernard, 1723-1737.