Voter Education Newsletter entitled, "V.E.P. News," Volume 1, Number 7, discussing various news items relating to voting rights as pertaining to African American voters and political candidates.
League of Women Voters of Charleston County, Volume XXV Bulletin No. 1 including a calendar of events, president's letter, background on the Charleston County Assessment Program, and various reports and program updates.
Agenda to the League of Women Voters Education Fund's Conference on Expanding the Electorate Administrative Obstacles to Voting held on August 1-2, 1972 with Septima P. Clark's notes on the back of each page.
The National Education Association's "10th Annual NEA Human and Civil Rights Awards Dinner" pamphlet including the dinner menu, program, and award winners, one of whom is Septima P. Clark for the H. Councill Trenholm Award "for leadership in the advancement of intergroup understanding within the education profession."