South Carolina Commission for Farm Workers memorandum from Bernice Robinson, VISTA Supervisor, to John Cole, Acting Director, containing an itinerary from February 1 through 5, 1971.
University of Wisconsin Community Action Technicians Alumni Association Newsletter, Volume 1, Number 4 (b), including information related to staff, members, and alumni.
South Carolina Commission for Farm Workers memorandum from Bernice Robinson, VISTA Supervisor, to Robert Williamson, Associate Director, containing an activity report from January 23 through 26, 1971.
Typescript memorandum from Irene Martin, Regional Coordinator for National Clients Council to Client Council members with enclosed proposal for Region IV for review.
Letter from Isadore E. Lourie, South Carolina Senator, encouraging Septima P. Clark that the Democratic Administration, including President-elect Carter and Mrs. Carter, is attuned to the needs of older citizens.