Caption in German: 'Belagerung von Charleston.--Gen. Gillmore's hauptquartier auf Morris Island.' [Siege of Charleston.--Gen. Gillmore's headquarters on Morris Island.]
Caption: 'Siege of Charleston--views of the Northern and Southern ends of Morris Island, as seen from Fort Craig.--from sketches by our Special Artist, W.T. Crane.' Caption at top: 'North end of Morris Island.' Caption at bottom: 'South end of Morris Island.' [full date August 29, 1863.]
Caption (in German): 'Belagerung von Charleston, S.C.--Bauen von bombenfesten Gewoelben auf Morris Island.' {Siege of Charleston, S.C.--Building of bombproof bunkers on Morris Island.}
Caption: 'Panoramic view of Charleston Harbor--advance of iron-clads to the attack, April 7. Union--A. Keokuk. B. Nahunt. C. Nantucket. D. Catskill. E. Ironsides. F. Patapsco. G. Montauk. H. Passaie. K. Weehawken. Rebel--1. Morris Island sand battery. 2. Fort Wagner. 3. Battery Bee, on Cummings Point. 4. [Fort] Johnson. 5. Fort Ripley. 6. Sumter. 7. Charleston City. 8. Castle Pinckney. 9. Fort Redan. 10. Fort Moultrie. 11. Moultrie House. 12. Fort Beauregard. 13. Harbor obstructions. 14. Cooper River. 15. Ashley River.' [full date May 2, 1863.]
Caption: 'Morris Island, as seen from Fort Sumter.--[drawn by an Officer of Major Anderson's Command.]' Also identified with captions: 'Battery from which the "Star of the West" was fired upon. Cumming's Point. Sand Battery, connected by covered gallery with...iron-clad battery.' [full date March 2, 1861.]
Caption: 'The city of Charleston, South Carolina, looking seaward, and showing the burned district.--[see next page.]' Identified in image are: Broad Street, "Mercury" office, Custom-house, Castle Pinckney, Fort Moultrie, Fort Sumter and Morris Island. [full date December 28, 1861.]