Notas escritas a mano referentes a una reunión para discutir la ordenanza "Empleo Legal, Condado de Dorchester, Carolina del Sur." Las notas están escritas en el reverso de una copia de la primera página de la ordenanza. / Handwritten notes related to a meeting discussing "Dorchester County, South Carolina, Lawful Employment Ordinance" on the back of the a print copy of one page of the ordinance.
Letter from Stefan Kosovych to his Ukrainian grandmother during his deployment in Baghdad, Iraq, May 4, 2004. It was reprinted and translated into Ukrainian for the Ukrainian National Women's League of America magazine, Our Life.
Handwritten correspondence from "Carolyn" at the School of Human Environmental Sciences, Department of Social Work, at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, to Millicent Brown regarding personal and professional matters.