This diary, written by an unnamed member of the McLeod family, contains entries throughout 1927 and October 1931. Most entries concern the weather, the author's health, and author's interactions with various friends and family members.
Plantation journal from McLeod Plantation. It lists the names and accounts of workers (1910-1921), contains notes on crops (1926-1944), and has a number of family accounts (1927-1965).
Legal complaint between William C. Bee and Godfrey Blake concerning the adjudication of several large tracts of lands bequeathed by Charles Heyward. 9p.
Letter from James B. Heyward to Joseph Daniel Pope concerning a recent monetary judgment against him. Heyward asks Pope to look into the matter and thinks it may have something to do with an ongoing dispute with Frank Myers concerning property Heyward rented during the war. 4p. December 27, 1870.
Notice of a bill sent to James B. Heyward from C.W. [Enecks?] at Wolfe Hill. Enecks mentions threshing wheat for Heyward and asks him where he should send it. 1p. June 11, 1868.
Letter from Edward Barnwell Heyward to James B. Heyward concerning the valuation of certain mutual properties including Lewisburg Plantation, "Calf-pen" and "Pine-lands." 2p. March 29, 1867.
Letter from William McBurney to Thomas B. Ferguson at Dean Hall Plantation. McBurney discusses the recurring problem of obtaining a steady supply of labor for Dean Hall and sends Ferguson several bushels of "Fripp" cotton seed. 6p.