Meeting minutes volume kept by the Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim Trustees of the New Burying Ground, 1798-1799. Entries in this volume concern discussions regarding the proposal to purchase land at Hampstead, in Charleston, S.C., for the construction of a new burial ground to be used by the KKBE congregation. The volume also includes entries discussing the plans for the layout of the burial plots for the new burying grounds.
Meeting minutes volume kept by the Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim Board of Trustees, 1838-1843. This meeting minutes volume is the first volume created by the KKBE Board of Trustees following the fire of 1838, which had destroyed the old synagogue and all earlier minutes books. The entries in this volume concern all matters regarding synagogue business, finances, memberships, rebuilding the synagogue, and establishing a school for the congregation youth. The minutes also include discussions regarding the proposal of purchasing an organ for the new synagogue, which would contribute to a schism within the congregation and begin KKBE's turn towards Reform Judaism.
Meeting minutes volume kept by the Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim Board of Trustees, 1846-1852. The entries in this volume concern all discussions regarding synagogue business, finances, memberships, the search for a new minister, and the beginnings of Reform Judaism within the congregation. The entries also include notes on Reverend Gustavus Poznanski and his thoughts on the Reform.
Meeting minutes volume kept by the Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim Board of Trustees, 1857-1866. The entries in this volume concern all synagogue business, finances, membership, alterations regarding seating within the synagogue, the organ, and the choir. This volume also covers discussions regarding the amalgamation of the KKBE and Shearith Israel congregations in Charleston, S.C.
Meeting minutes volume kept by the Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim Board of Trustees, 1866-1875. The entries in this volume concern all synagogue business, finances, membership, and plans of the amalgamation between the KKBE and Shearith Israel congregations. This volume also includes entries from 1863 regarding destruction caused in the midst of the Civil War.
A letter from Benjamin D. Lazarus to Charles H. Moise, the KKBE President of the Board. Lazarus, having served as the previous President of the Board, explains information regarding documents, books, and artifacts he possessed as President which he has since given to Moise.