The Mouzon Plat Book surveys lands held by various individuals and families in Craven County [now in parts of Berkeley, Charleston, Georgetown, and Williamsburg counties], Colleton County and Berkeley County in South Carolina. Plats are drawn in pencil and ink. Book includes an index at the beginning and at the end are two pages of accounts and also lands to be resurveyed for the estate of Henry Mouzon Jr.
This is a Sandy Island plantation journal written inside of the South Carolina and Georgia Almanac for the year 1797. The plantation journal documents the planting of crops (rice, corn and potatoes), slave records (including runaway slaves), accounts, the weather, and business relations with Laurel Hill Plantation.
Partial manuscript copy of "The Presidency" written by Isaac Harby. "The Presidency" discusses Harby's thoughts on politics, opinions surrounding John Quincy Adams, war, dividing the states, democracy, and the 1824 election between John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson.
Manuscript copy of Isaac Harby's prayer book made for his sister, Caroline de Litchfield Harby. The prayer book includes a number of prayers, psalms, and hymns for specific occasions; instructions for the service structure of various special holidays and ceremonies; and the "Articles of Faith" as adopted by the Reformed Society of Israelites.
A newspaper clipping announcing an "Anniversary Meeting" of the Literary and Philosophical Society of South Carolina, to take place in Charleston on Chalmers Street at the "Depository." The clipping lists the elected officers of the Society.
Handwritten letter discussing various family and financial issues. Copies to made and sent to Nathaniel Frazier, Rev. John Enwright, Peter Poinsette, Michael Graves, Herbert Fielding, and Lorene Poinsette.
A note from B. D. Heriot passing on an extract from a letter referencing the Sumter, South Carolina Temperance Society, with a mention of Reverend Samuel Gilman.
An accounting of a women petitioning St. Andrew's Society on behalf of her husband for a land grant of 400 acres. The accounting includes three men noting their recommendations she be granted the land and certifying her story.
Letter from Sherry Martschink to Voters on Isle of Palms and Sullivan's Island, thanking those " who took the time to vote in last Tuesday's election."
Handwritten letter from Naomi Barrett Brockington to Russell Brown, Attorney, regarding the property of her brother, Reginald C. Barrett Sr., and the mistrust of his son, Reginald C. Barrett Jr.
Letter from Sarah, in Charleston, to her mother at Hopeton. She discusses the weather, the state of the house and her mother's things, and the health of their family.