A letter to Woodward Manning from his brother Ira L. Manning discussing the death of their brother Elisha, the failing cotton crop, the hiring of freedmen, and requesting information on who from their hometown was killed in the war.
Letter from W. A. Browning, private secretary of President Andrew Johnson, to Archbishop Spalding of Baltimore, informing him of the pardon of Bishop P. N. Lynch of Charleston.
Letter from James B. Heyward at Combahee to his wife Maria Heyward. James has traveled back down to his Combahee plantation from Columbia with the hope of being able to check on the condition of his Fife Plantation near Savannah, if the news of the enemy is favorable. He apparently enjoys being back on his own plantation writing "it is delightful here." 3p. December 6, 1864.
A letter to Woodward Manning from the Quartermaster's office ordering that any surplus of corn available is to be given to the army through purchase or impressment
Willis writes from camp outside Richmond, that he is marching to western Virginia. He has sent his slave, Paris home and is in search of another "boy".