Dart Hall Branch Library, 19 Kracke Street. Stamped on front: "Charleston Negro File." Caption on back: "The Reverend Stephen B. Mackey, rector of Calvary Episcopal Church, awarding reading diplomas to three children at exercises held at Dart Hall Library, 19 Kracke St., on Tuesday morning, Aug. 4, 1953. 80 children from Shaw Center Library, Dart Hall Library, and the book truck were awarded diplomas, each having read and reported on at least 10 books in the six weeks of the summer program. The reading game is an annual affair sponsored by the Charleston Free Library. The Reverend Mackey also made an address. The children pictured are, left to right: Patricia Robinson, daughter of Mrs. Victoria Robinson, [...], Patricia Gordon, daughter of Mrs. Janie Gordon [...], and Bernard Powers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Powers, [...]."
Dart Hall Branch Library, 19 Kracke Street. Children and staff gathered for closing of summer reading games. Standing amongst the staff in the back of the room are Susan Dart Butler, Janie M. Smith, Emily C. Sanders, and Mae Holloway Purcell. Caption on back: "Dart Hall branch reading game "graduation" exercises. Charleston County Library, S.C. 1953."
Black-and-white photograph of two men, two women, and two young girls standing on steps. Writing on back of image reads, "McLeod Plantation, Spring of 1953. Phoebe Rhett Baird (center) with her husband and two young daughters. Right W.E. McLeod next to right Rose McLeod Barnwell."
Bookmobile. Main Library, 94 Rutledge Avenue. Caption on back: "Garage for smaller bookmobile. Also shelf and storage space for extension dept. Charleston Free Library. Jan. 1953. Miss Meta Hanson. Mrs. Karl H. Koopman."
Dart Hall Branch Library, 19 Kracke Street. Children and staff gathered for closing of summer reading games. Standing amongst the staff in the back are Susan Dart Butler, far left, and Mae Holloway Purcell, far right.