The South Carolina Legislative Roundup, edited by Eve Moredock, "covers legislative action through January 19, 1984. This particular document was mailed to Russell Brown, a Charleston Attorney.
Schedule of activities sent from Septima P. Clark to J. Herman Blake, Acting Provost of College Seven, from October 8 to November 1, 1972 in Santa Cruz, California.
The General Practice Section Update is "a publication of the general practice section of the South Carolina Bar," which was "mailed to all South Carolina Bar Members." This particular document was mailed to Russell Brown, a Charleston Attorney.
Typescript copy of J. Herman Blake's report to the Emil Schwarzhaupt Foundation entitled, "Citizen Participation. Democracy and Social Change," regarding community development in Johns Island, South Carolina and the Woodlawn Area on the south side of Chicago.
Malcolm X Liberation University minutes of the Council of Elders meeting from May 1, 1970 containing information delivered by Howard Fuller, Bertie Howard, Faye Edwards, Nikiwa Ningekewa, Winston Kennedy, Robert Rone, Dennis McDowell, and Jim Lee.
Photocopy of instructions manual regarding the Organization of the United States Commission on Civil Rights wherein the purpose, organizational designations, commissioners, office of the staff director, office of federal Civil Rights evaluation, office of general council, office of management, office of national civil rights issues, office of program and policy review, office of research, regional offices, office of age discrimination program, office organization, and organization chart are discussed.
"Equal Time" host Wilhelmina Hein turns the attention to herself in this segment. In the first part of the show, Hein, pastor of Open Door Church of Charleston, answers many questions others have posed to her and she had to answer herself regarding her life as a transgender woman. In the second half of the show some pre-recorded snippets of Hein's twenty-year journey are broadcast. Sponsors for this episode: Association for Full Acceptance (AFFA) and Dr. Holly Wiegreffe Atlantic Planning Partners, Mt. Pleasant, SC.
A copy of legislation (H.R. 6127) introduced by Representative Emanuel Celler, known as the Civil Rights Act of 1957, to provide means of further securing and protecting the civil rights of persons within the jurisdiction of the United States.
NAACP memorandum from Roland McFarland, Image Awards Chairperson, to Branch Presidents regarding voting criteria for the Twenty-Third Annual NAACP Image Awards. Enclosed Twenty-Third Annual NAACP Image Awards Official Ballot.
South Carolina Commission for Farm Workers memorandum from Bernice Robinson, VISTA Supervisor, to John Cole, Acting Director, containing an itinerary from February 1 through 5, 1971.
Correspondence from B. L. Hilton, Manager of Materials and Services Department for Upstream and Affiliate Purchasing for Exxon Company, USA, to Dwight James, Charleston Branch of the NAACP, regarding minority business programs. Enclosed document, "1991 Submission to the National Minority Supplier Development Council for the Corporation of the Year Award."
Charleston Branch of the NAACP memorandum from Dwight C. James and Rodney Williams to Brenda Murphy regarding a quarterly meeting with the Charleston Veterans Administration Medical Center. Enclosed summary of what was discussed during the meeting.
University of Wisconsin Community Action Technicians Alumni Association Newsletter, Volume 1, Number 4 (b), including information related to staff, members, and alumni.
South Carolina Conference of Branches of the NAACP memorandum from Nelson B. Rivers, III, Executive Secretary, to all units regarding a chartered bus to the National Convention and Monthly Board of Directors' meeting.
South Carolina Commission for Farm Workers memorandum from Bernice Robinson, VISTA Supervisor, to Robert Williamson, Associate Director, containing an activity report from January 23 through 26, 1971.
Typescript memorandum from Irene Martin, Regional Coordinator for National Clients Council to Client Council members with enclosed proposal for Region IV for review.
Letter from Isadore E. Lourie, South Carolina Senator, encouraging Septima P. Clark that the Democratic Administration, including President-elect Carter and Mrs. Carter, is attuned to the needs of older citizens.
South Carolina Commission for Farm Workers memorandum from Bernice Robinson, VISTA Supervisor, to John Cole, Acting Director, containing an itinerary from March 1 through 5, 1971.
Letter from Jacquelyne J. Jackson, Associate Proffessory of Medical Sociology at Duke University to Septima P. Clark requesting that the recipient become a member on "Committee of Elders."
University of Wisconsin Community Action Technicians Alumni Association Newsletter, Volume 1, Number 4 (b), including information related to staff, members, and alumni.
Correspondence from Yonges Island Community Day Care Center to Anna Smalls, Director of New Careers, with an enclosed correspondence template and a New Careers Application.
Report sent from Robert R. Foster to Bill Knowles, Bertie Fischbein, and the Day Care Advisory Board entitled, "Report on Phase I. "Impact" Sessions of Training Program for Day Care Employees."
Correspondence from Dwight C. James, President of the Charleston Branch of the NAACP, to James Kelly, Communications Director for Albright and Wilson Americas, regarding the formation of a NAACP informal review panel in response to a recent explosion which occurred at the Albright and Wilson Americas' Charleston plant. Enclosed document regarding concerns and recommendations by the Committee for Community Health and Safety.