NAACP Economic Development Program Activity Report from January 1 though March 31, 1994, regarding negotiations of "Fair Share Agreements, monitoring existing agreements, working with NAACP branches to implement economic development/Fair Share, and continuing workshops, seminars, and special events."
Correspondence from S. David Stamps, Associate Dean for Faculty Development and Professor of Sociology at the University of South Florida, to McKnight Fellows regarding an enclosed teaching portfolio.
Correspondence from Mike Miller of the ORGANIZE Training Center to Cleveland Sellers regarding a book entitled, "Negroes In American History: A Freedom Primer."
Acta mecanografiada de la reunión de la junta directiva de la organización Tri-County Hispanic American Association del día 1 de agosto de 1994. / Tri-County Hispanic American Association typed minutes of the August 1, 1994 board meeting.
Correspondence from Constance Barnes, Dinner Coordinator for the Freedom Fund Dinner, to Dwight C. James, President of the Charleston Branch of the NAACP, regarding the 16th Annual Freedom Fund Dinner.
Correspondence from Matthew Parsons to Earle E. Morris, Jr., Comptroller General, regarding ideas "for the Naval facilities as an Import-Export Center."
Correspondence from Jerry Thornberry of the Gilman School to Millicent Brown regarding potential employment at the University of Maryland Baltimore County.
Letter from Barbara Kingston, Secretary of the Charleston Branch of the NAACP to Isazetta Spikes, Membership Director of the NAACP, regarding "two discrepancies to report."
Memorandum from Barbara Coggins McNeal, National ACT-SO Director to All Chairpersons and Sponsors, regarding "the schedule of activities for the 1994 ACT-SO Competition."
Correspondence from Ray Huff, Director of Ray Huff Architects PA, to William Saunders of WPAL Radio regarding a "Yale University Advance Graduate Studio Charleston Visit." Enclosed academic project statement.
Correspondence from Lewis Bateman, Executive Editor for the University of North Carolina Press, to Millicent Brown regarding a copy of Brown's prospectus for her "study of Civil Rights Activism in Charleston, South Carolina from 1940 to 1970."
Correspondence from Maurice Washington, Honorary Chairperson for the 1994 Freedom Fund Drive, to Sam Goodson of Albright and Wilson Americas, Inc. regarding the 1994 Freedom Fund Drive.
Correspondence from Ray Huff, Director of Ray Huff Architects PA, to William Saunders of WPAL Radio regarding a "Yale University Advance Graduate Studio Charleston Visit."
Correspondence from Joseph P. Griffith, Membership Committee Chairman for the Harbour Club, to Invitees regarding the Founding Board of Governors invitation recipients to become a Charter Member of the Harbour Club.
Correspondence from Stephen Skardon, Jr., Executive Director for the Palmetto Project, to Dwight C. James, President of the Charleston Chapter of the NAACP, regarding a dinner Sand Dunes Club on Sullivan's Island. Enclosed map of Sullivan's Island.
Correspondence from Jesse L. Bowers, V. P. SCETV, to Rodney Williams, Charleston Branch of the NAACP, regarding set decoration for The Gubernatorial Debate.
Charleston Branch of the NAACP memorandum from Dwight C. James, President, to Maurice Washington, Chair of the Economic Development Committee, regarding June Executive Board Meeting.
Correspondence from Dwight C. James, President of the Charleston Branch of the NAACP, to George Scott of Exalted Ruler regarding 1994 Freedom Fund Drive.
Correspondence from Michael M. Schwarzott to Charleston Branch of the NAACP regarding a conference on Building Bridges/Networking at the Metropolitan Community Church in North Charleston, South Carolina.
Acta mecanografiada de la reunión de la junta directiva de la organización Tri-County Hispanic American Association del día 17 de junio de 1994. / Tri-County Hispanic American Association typed minutes of the June 17, 1994 board meeting.
Correspondence from Isaiah Bennett, Staff Organizer for the Coalition of the Carolina Alliance for Fair Employment, to Dwight James, President of the Charleston Branch of the NAACP, regarding formal participation of the Charleston Chapter of the NAACP grassroots coalition to increase public involvement in the "Charleston naval base closure process." Enclosed Grassroots Conversion Coalition materials.
Charleston Branch of the NAACP memorandum from Kimberly Greene, Committee Chairperson, to Office Operations Committee Members regarding the community meeting agenda.
Acta mecanografiada de la reunión de la junta directiva de la organización Tri-County Hispanic American Association del día 18 de julio de 1994. / Tri-County Hispanic American Association typed minutes of the 18 July 1994 board meeting.
Correspondence from Dwight C. James, President of the Charleston Branch of the NAACP, to Ron Laughlin of American Telephone and Telegraph regarding the 1994 Freedom Fund Drive.