NAACP memorandum from Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr., Executive Director and CEO of NAACP to all NAACP units, national board members and NAACP/SCF trustees regarding 1994 resolutions. Enclosed are the Resolutions Submitted Under Article X, Section 2 (Powers and Functions of the Convention) of the Constitution of the NAACP, 1994.
Document entitled, "Port City Lease Agreement," outlining the terms and conditions of the rental of the property located at the former "Cigar Factory" at 701 East Bay Street, Charleston, South Carolina, 29403 between the Charleston Chapter of the NAACP (tenant) and the South Carolina limited partnership (landlord) for the term of July 1994 to June 1995.
An essay contribution toward the Association for the Study of Afro-American Life and History, Inc. conference panel, "Labor and Race Relations in Charleston (SC), 1865-1920," by Millicent E. Brown.
Correspondence from Ray Huff, Director of Ray Huff Architects PA, to William Saunders of WPAL Radio regarding a "Yale University Advance Graduate Studio Charleston Visit." Enclosed academic project statement.
Newsletter entitled, "Update" published by the Mayor's Council on Homelessness and Affordable Housing, Charleston Department of Housing and Economic Development, including a variety of housing articles.
Correspondence from Kenyon Cook, Sales Consultant for D. W. Duplicating Products, to Dwight James, President of the Charleston Branch of the NAACP, regarding a Mita DC-3785 copying system and after sales service.
Developing an Agenda for the Information Superhighway by Anthony L. Pharr, Office of Communication, United Church of Christ, was presented to the Telecommunications Task Force, NAACP, during a meeting in Columbia, South Carolina on May 20, 1994.
South Carolina Fair Share Legislative Update from June 30, 1994, providing information legislative issues on Safety and Juvenile Justice, Welfare Reform, Health Care Reform, Automobile Insurance, Reapportionment and Voter Participation, Finance Companies and Banks, Workers Compensation, Tax Reform, and Non-Profit Organizations.
Fax from Connie Barner to Dwight C. James including a draft of a document entitled, "A Fair Share Agreement Between Hyatt Regency Hotel Hilton Head and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
Hardcover. Published by Coastal Carolina College, University of South Carolina. Atheneum yearbook is not to be confused with the "Atheneum" newsletter.
The "Neighborhoods Energized to Win!" newsletter, "Energizer," Summer 1994, a component fund of the Community Foundation regarding the publishing organization and various neighborhood issues.
Charleston Branch of the NAACP statement of income and expense actual results for the fiscal year ending in 1994, including income and expense figures.
Charleston Branch of the NAACP statement of financial position, actual results for the fiscal year ending in 1994, including checking and equity figures.
Charleston Branch of the NAACP document, "Semiannual Financial Review," providing an income analysis, expense analysis, budget revisions, and conclusion for January through June, 1994.
Correspondence from Stephen Skardon, Jr., Executive Director for the Palmetto Project, to Dwight C. James, President of the Charleston Chapter of the NAACP, regarding a dinner Sand Dunes Club on Sullivan's Island. Enclosed map of Sullivan's Island.
NAACP Economic Development Program Activity Report from January 1 though March 31, 1994, regarding negotiations of "Fair Share Agreements, monitoring existing agreements, working with NAACP branches to implement economic development/Fair Share, and continuing workshops, seminars, and special events."