Leasing Agreement, Charleston Business and Technology Center between the Control Data Properties, Inc., a Delaware Corporation, Lessor (landlord) and Charleston Branch NAACP (tenant) at the former Cigar Factory at 701 East Bay Street, Charleston, SC 29403 from June 1991 to June 1994.
Public Hearing for the Community Development Division Department of Planning and Urban Development, Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy, for the City of Charleston, South Carolina.
South Carolina Conference of Branches of the NAACP memorandum from Nelson B. Rivers, III, Executive Director, to all NAACP Branch Presidents in South Carolina regarding 1990 census data for cities in South Carolina. Enclosed census information.
The Branch Standing Committees Handbook, revised by Nelson B. Rivers, III, the Executive Director for the South Carolina Conference of Branches for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
Memorandum from Clifford J. Collins to NAACP Unit Presidents and Political Action Chairpersons, regarding "a list of suggested monthly activities designed to prepare eligible voters for participation in the 1991 and 1992 elections." Enclosed supporting materials.