The General Practice Section Update is "a publication of the general practice section of the South Carolina Bar," which was "mailed to all South Carolina Bar Members." This particular document was mailed to Russell Brown, a Charleston Attorney.
Correspondence from Joe Middleton of the South Carolina Department of Youth Services to Delbert Woods regarding the an annual camp for youth. Enclosed Needs list.
Correspondence from Delbert L. Woods, President of the Charleston Branch of the NAACP, to Benjamin L. Hooks, Executive Director of the National Branch of the NAACP, regarding Fort Sumter National Park.
The Fenwick Hall Second Annual Attorney Seminar pamphlet highlights the topic "Dealing with the Alcohol or Drug Impaired Client," and includes the seminar schedule.
Handwritten minutes to a Board of Directors Meeting of the Charleston Branch of the NAACP reporting issues including membership, the publicity committee, treasury, and committee on education, held on March 10, 1983 at Morris Brown A.M.E. Church.
Correspondence from J. Arthur Brown to William B. Whitney, Director of the Division of Employment and Training, Office of the Governor, regarding the decision to resign as the Chairman of the Board of Directors and Board of the Petersfield Human Service Corporation.
Correspondence from Cleveland Sellers to Dr. Stanley Jones, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at University of North Carolina at Greensboro, regarding a recent article in the Greensboro Daily News entitled, "UNC-G To Allow Black Studies Minor."
Correspondence from J. Arthur Brown to Barbara Jones, "Director, Action, at the Strom Thurmond Federal Building," regarding the decision to resign as the Chairman of the Board of Directors and Board of the Petersfield Human Service Corporation.
Correspondence from J. Arthur Brown to Citizens of Petersfield regarding the decision to resign as the Chairman of the Board of Directors and Board of the Petersfield Human Service Corporation.
The Mid-Year Meeting of the South Carolina Bar Program Schedule highlights discussion topics such as Employment & Labor Law, Family Law, Real Estate, and Government Law–to name a few.
Correspondence from Joe Goletz, Personnel Director and Equal Employment Opportunity Officer for the Cullum Mechanical Construction, Inc., to Delbert Woods, President of the Charleston Branch of the NAACP, regarding a new hire.
Notification of a complimentary issue of the South Carolina U.S. District Court Summary which includes "a synopsis of all opinions of substance as they are handed down by the U.S. District Court judges throughout the state."
Correspondence from Russell Brown, Secretary of the Charleston Branch of the NAACP, to J. John French, Editor-Publisher of The Chronicle Newspaper, regarding an "editorial appearing in the February 12, 1983 issue of The Chronicle concerning the Charleston Branch of NAACP."