Letter from N. Q. King, Chairman for Committee on Religious Studies at Cowell College, to Septima P. Clark thanking the recipient for her presense at Cowell College History and Religioun course.
Penn Community Services newsletter discussing the accomplishments that took place between June 1, 1973 and June 30, 1974, broken down by program. Includes information on the Cultural Program, Business Development Program, Black Land Services, Inc., and Child Development.
Penn Community Services' Child Development plans for July 1, 1973 to June 30, 1974 presenting the Statement of Needs, Goals, Plan of Work, and Resources.
Correspondence from Harry P. Graham, President of Vorhees College, to J. Arthur Brown regarding the Trustee Board Committee on Faculty and Student Welfare.
Correspondence from Bernice Robinson to Donald Fowler, Chairman of the Democratic Party of South Carolina, regarding Robinson's position at the Institutional Development and Economic Affairs Service.
Correspondence from Bernice Robinson to Mendel J. Davis, Congressman of the First Congressional District of South Carolina, regarding Robinson's employment.
Correspondence from James B. Garnett, Assistant Director of COSEP Admissions of Cornell University, to potential donors regarding a fund to help Cleveland Sellers pay for legal fees.
Correspondence from Ann Vick, Foxfire Program of the Institutional Development and Economic Affairs Service, to Thomas C. Carlo, Principal of the St. John's High School, regarding Foxfire programs.
Correspondence from Rozelia LaFayette, Administrative Assistant for the Penn Community Services, to Cleveland Sellers regarding a conference to be held at Penn entitled, "All Afrikan People Revolutionary Party."
Photocopy of a statement by H.E. Mr. Mamadou Diarra, Executive Secretary of the Organization of African Unity, at the Black Unity Conference of 1973, commemorating the tenth anniversary of the organization.