Correspondence from Courtney Siceloff of the Commission on Civil Rights to J. Arthur Brown regarding a meeting with the South Carolina Advisory Committee.
Correspondence from Gloster B. Current, Director of Branches for the NAACP, to Albert Williams, Batesburg Branch of the NAACP, informing the recipient of the status of the charter for the Batesburg Branch of the NAACP.
Correspondence from James R. D. Anderson to Reginald C. Barrett and J. Arthur Brown regarding and advisory from Zone Intergroup Relations Advisor Thompson of the Federal Housing Administration.
Correspondence from Emily Fielding and Emma Fleming, Chairman of the Finance Committee and Chairman of the Committee on Administration of the Coming Street YWCA, regarding business matters.
Correspondence from J. M. Howie, Principal of Voorhees School and Junior College, to Cleveland Sellers regarding the recipient's status as a prospective graduate.
Correspondence from Gloster B. Current, Director of Branches for the NAACP, to Rev. I. DeQuincey Newman of the South Carolina State Conference regarding a "proposed audit of the books of the South Carolina State Conference."
Correspondence from A. Leon Lowry, President of the Florida State Conference of NAACP Branches, to J. Arthur Brown regarding the nominationees for the position of National Board Member of the NAACP.
Correspondence from Anne Braden, Editor of The Southern Patriot, to J. Arthur Brown requesting information from the NAACP regarding progress of their campaign for "selective buying."
Correspondence from J. Arthur Brown to President John F. Kennedy requesting that the recipient send "federal troops into Oxford, Mississippi to assure the enforcement of law."
Correspondence from Lyndon B. Johnson, Vice President of the United States, to J. Arthur Brown inviting the recipient "to attend a conference sponsored by the Committee [on Equal Employment] in conjunction with the Cabinet agencies in Washington, D.C.
Correspondence from Ralph A. Dungan, Special Assistant the President of the United States, to J. Arthur Brown acknowledging the President's receipt of a telegram sent by Brown.
Two articles from "The Atlanta Inquirer" entitled, "'Witch Hunt' Label Put On Louisiana Arrests" and "Anarchy Trial Slated For 2 Integrationists," reprinted by the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee.
An article from "The Times-Picayune" entitled, "Sit-In Is Held at RFK Office" and and article from "The Washington Post" entitled, "250 Picket Here for Jailed Pair," reprinted by the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee.
The cover and first page of the program for the 53rd annual meeting of the South Carolina Federation of Colored Women's Clubs, held at Butler High School in Barnwell, South Carolina.
A one-page typed letter from Mrs. S. Henry Edmunds, Director of Historic Charleston Foundation, in response to a letter from Mr. Alan B. Anson, descendant of Admiral Lord Anson, providing historical information about the neighborhood.
In this two-page letter, Edmunds asks residents that are opposed to the creation of a "sweet shop" in Ansonborough to attend Zoning Board meeting on March 26, 1962.
"Appeal to South Carolina Supreme Court: The City of Charleston v. Esau Jenkins. Includes published appeal to South Carolina Supreme Court requesting dismissal of Jenkins' 1962 conviction for selling alcohol after hours."
In this one-page typed document submitted by Samuel G. Stoney, the ownership histories of 328 East Bay Street, 61 Laurens Street, 76 Anson Street, 18 Wentworth Street, and 32 Wentworth Street are discussed.
An article from "The Atlanta Journal and Constitution" entitled, "Racial Segregation Sides To Eye Baton Rouge Fight," written by Fred Prowledge, reprinted by the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee.
A photo of Etta Stanback, in a publication, naming her the Federation's outstanding senior citizen. She was president of the Marion B. Wilkinson Club in Chester, South Carolina.
Advertisement for Ansonborough homes for sale in the News and Courier. Homes advertised include 66 Anson Street, 76 Anson Street, 40 Society Street, 18 Wentworth Street, 32 Wentworth Street, and 311 East Bay Street.
University of Wisconsin Rural CAP Training Program course material entitled, "Sensitivity Training," excerpted from a paper by Wechsler, Massarik, and Tannenbaum.