National Council of Negro Women, Inc. nomination of candidates for regional directors correspondence and detailed information dossier on the organization.
Newspaper printed for the civilian employees of the Charleston Naval Shipyard starting on January 11th 1957. This volume covers from January 11th 1957 to December 20th 1957.
This six-page typed and illustrated newsletter for the Preservation Society of Charleston discusses Historic Charleston Foundation plans to launch fundraising efforts for its Ansonborough Rehabilitation Project Revolving Fund. Reports donations, issues with upcoming rehabilitation efforts, issues with parking in the Ansonborough area, and community opinions on the project.
Transcriptions of Rabbi Padoll’s typewritten and handwritten sermons and addresses from his various rabbinates, including Charleston’s Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim. A civil rights advocate, Padoll discusses ongoing struggles for social justice, contemporary events such as the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, and parables related to the Sabbath and holiday celebrations. Padoll stored his sermons in nine binders, and the transcriptions reflect this original order. Burton L. Padoll (1929-2004), was born to Leah and Charles Padoll in Canton, Ohio. Padoll attended the Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he was ordained in 1957 and received an honorary Doctorate of Divinity in 1982. After his ordination, Padoll served as assistant rabbi in Brookline, Massachusetts. In 1961, Padoll took a position as rabbi of Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim (KKBE) in Charleston, South Carolina, where he served for six years. During this time, Padoll strongly advocated for civil rights and criticized Charleston's Jewish community for their failure to aid the struggle for racial equality. After leaving Charleston in 1967, Padoll moved to Peabody, Massachusetts, where he became the rabbi of Temple Beth Shalom in 1969 until his retirement in 1989. Padoll lived in Mount Jackson, Virginia, until his death in 2004.
Descriptions and photographs of the historic houses on tour in 1957. Published by Historic Charleston Foundation, 1957; printed by Walker, Evans & Cogswell. Fifty-one pages. (Note: All a/k/a references pertain to the name of the house as listed in Jonathan Poston's book The Buildings of Charleston: A Guide to the City's Architecture; USC Press, 1997.)
A copy of legislation (H.R. 6127) introduced by Representative Emanuel Celler, known as the Civil Rights Act of 1957, to provide means of further securing and protecting the civil rights of persons within the jurisdiction of the United States.
A "Fact Sheet" produced by the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights that attempts to counter some of the arguments and misconceptions against H.R. 6127, the civil rights bill.
A copy of Public Law 85-315 known as the Civil Rights Act of 1957. The Act establishes a Commission on Civil Rights and strengthens guarantees of civil rights, including the right to vote and trial by jury.
The Huguenot Society of South Carolina's Transactions include articles about the organization's financial records, member memorials, and Huguenot genealogy and history.
Correspondence concerning a request for a hearing by representatives from South Carolina before the House Committee on the Judiciary concerning civil rights.
Main Library, 94 Rutledge Avenue. Caption on back: "Planning the summer Vacation-in-Ideas discussion series at the Charleston County Free Library to begin Tuesday night, May 21, 1957, are, left to right, Mrs. Marion P. Lelong, […], Dr. Leon S. Kind, […], Mrs. Thomas N. Blockwick, [...], and William A. Pease, Jr., [...]."
Main Library, 94 Rutledge Avenue. Caption on back: "Part of the group of about 100 Cub Scouts and their den mothers who attended the regular story hour. Wednesday, Apr. 3, 1957, to hear Miss Janie Smith review 'Swiss Family Robinson.'"
Village Branch Library, 430 Whilden Street, Mt. Pleasant. Caption on back: "Some of the 22 who completed the reading game at the Mt. Pleasant branch library shown at closing exercises Aug. 27, '57. Charleston S.C. County Library. Mt. Pleasant."
Sullivan's Island Branch Library. Caption on back: "Some of the 13 'graduates' and their friends at the closing exercises of the County library's summer reading game at the Sullivan's Island branch library, Charleston, S.C. Aug. 27, '57. Charleston County Library."
Correspondence from Lucia Brown, Chairman for the Teen-Age Program Committee, and M. M. Wainwright, Chairman of the Employed Personnel Committee, to Edith S. Murray, Teen-Age Program Director, regarding Coming Street Y.W.C.A. matters.
Burke High School teacher's news bulletin, providing information on items including "interracial examination," intercollegiate cooperative, Howard examination, and general aptitude test battery.