Sullivan's Island Branch Library. Caption on back: "Some of the 13 'graduates' and their friends at the closing exercises of the County library's summer reading game at the Sullivan's Island branch library, Charleston, S.C. Aug. 27, '57. Charleston County Library."
Village Branch Library, 430 Whilden Street, Mt. Pleasant. Caption on back: "Some of the 22 who completed the reading game at the Mt. Pleasant branch library shown at closing exercises Aug. 27, '57. Charleston S.C. County Library. Mt. Pleasant."
Dart Hall Branch Library, 19 Kracke Street. Children and staff gathered, presumably for closing of summer reading games. Standing amongst the staff in back are Susan Dart Butler and Emily Sanders.
Main Library, 94 Rutledge Avenue. Caption on back: "Planning the summer Vacation-in-Ideas discussion series at the Charleston County Free Library to begin Tuesday night, May 21, 1957, are, left to right, Mrs. Marion P. Lelong, […], Dr. Leon S. Kind, […], Mrs. Thomas N. Blockwick, [...], and William A. Pease, Jr., [...]."
Black and white negative of the consequences of the tornado on Reddy's Mobile Trailer Sales and Stokes Service Station and Garage on June 28, 1957; 13.5 x 10 cm.
Black and white negative of the brass section of Robert Smalls High School Band marching in the Decoration Day parade held on May 30, 1957; 6 x 6.5 cm.
Linocut depicting a courtyard in the Jewish quarter of Vilnius. Linocut by Samuelis Rozinas. From Vilnius : S. Rozino linoleumo raižiniai = Vil'n︠i︡us : grav︠i︡ury na linoleume S. Rozinasa = Vilnius : engravings by S. Rozinas, published Moscow: Moskva : Moskovckoe Otdelenie Khudozhestvennogo Fonda SSSR.
Main Library, 94 Rutledge Avenue. Caption on back: "Part of the group of about 100 Cub Scouts and their den mothers who attended the regular story hour. Wednesday, Apr. 3, 1957, to hear Miss Janie Smith review 'Swiss Family Robinson.'"
Black and white negative of the "Boost Beaufort: Help Jaycee Youth Program - Buy Cadillac Tickets" car entry in the Jaycee parade held in April 1957; 10 x 7.5 cm.