Sheet music for "A brivele dem Taten" = "A letter to father," words and music by Solomon Small; arranged by Joseph Rumshinsky, published New York: Hebrew Publishing Company.
Black-and-white etching depicting reading from the Torah. Signed by the artist Hermann Struck. The text reads : "Blessed be He, who in His holiness gave the Torah to his people Israel."
Report on the drainage of James Island, Charleston County, S.C., by George M. Warren, Drainage Engineer, and Arthur G. Hall, Assistant Drainage Engineer. The report was prepared under the direction of C.G. Elliott, Chief of Drainage Investigations, in June 1911.
Caricature by Eugene Zimmerman published in Judge. The text reads : --Doctor: "You can live only two days more, Mr. Moses." --Moses: "Oh, doctor dear, maig idt dhree days so I can finish dot medicine. Idt vos so oxpensive."
(Front) An image of Strauss posing in front of a backdrop and wearing a striped dress. (Back) A note from Strauss to "H. Pearlstine" reads "Just to show that I am still alive."