NAACP memorandum from Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr., Executive Director and CEO of NAACP to all NAACP units, national board members and NAACP/SCF trustees regarding 1994 resolutions. Enclosed are the Resolutions Submitted Under Article X, Section 2 (Powers and Functions of the Convention) of the Constitution of the NAACP, 1994.
Newsletter entitled, "Update" published by the Mayor's Council on Homelessness and Affordable Housing, Charleston Department of Housing and Economic Development, including a variety of housing articles.
Correspondence from Kenyon Cook, Sales Consultant for D. W. Duplicating Products, to Dwight James, President of the Charleston Branch of the NAACP, regarding a Mita DC-3785 copying system and after sales service.
Hardcover. Published by Coastal Carolina College, University of South Carolina. Atheneum yearbook is not to be confused with the "Atheneum" newsletter.
The "Neighborhoods Energized to Win!" newsletter, "Energizer," Summer 1994, a component fund of the Community Foundation regarding the publishing organization and various neighborhood issues.
Charleston Branch of the NAACP statement of income and expense actual results for the fiscal year ending in 1994, including income and expense figures.
Charleston Branch of the NAACP statement of financial position, actual results for the fiscal year ending in 1994, including checking and equity figures.
NAACP Economic Development Program Activity Report from January 1 though March 31, 1994, regarding negotiations of "Fair Share Agreements, monitoring existing agreements, working with NAACP branches to implement economic development/Fair Share, and continuing workshops, seminars, and special events."
Charleston Branch of the NAACP statement of income and expense budget results for the fiscal year ending in 1994, including income and expense figures.
El reporte detalla los ingresos y egresos de dinero ocurridos durante el planeamiento y ejecución de las actividades del día de la madre. También incluye las horas de trabajo voluntario y su valor monetario. / The report details the income and expenses that occurred during the planning and execution of Mother's Day activities. It also includes an estimate of the volunteer hours and their monetary value.
El documento detalla todas las actividades del día, desde la partida desde la Base de la Fuerza Aérea en Charleston hasta el regreso a la noche al mismo sitio. / The document details the day's activities, from the morning departure from Charleston Air Force Base to the evening return to the location.
Formulario de inscripción para vendedores completado por Bosch Exterior Services. En el reverso el formularion incluye una lista de reglas que los participantes deben acatar. / Vendors registration form filled out by Bosch Exterior Services. On the back the festival regulations are listed.
Volante a color del Festival Hispano del 20 de agosto de 1994 en Palmetto Island County Park. / Flyer of the Hispanic Festival, August 20, 1994, at Palmetto Island County Park.
Borrador del volante del Festival Hispano '94. detalla el cronograma de actividades e incluye una lista de vendedores de comida. / Hispanic Festival '94 flyer draft. Includes an event calendar and a list of food vendors.
Carta de agradecimiento dirigida a Juanita Bosch por su participación en el Festival Hispano '94 firmada por Esther Joy y John Mercado. / Thank you letter to Juanita Bosch for her participation in the '94 Hispanic Festival, signed by Esther Joy and John Mercado.
Calendario del mes de septiembre de 1994 de la organización Tri-County Hispanic American Association. Incluye eventos comunitarios, cumpleaños y aniversarios. / Tri-County Hispanic American Association September 1994 Calendar. Includes community events, anniversaries, and birthdays.
Acta mecanografiada de la reunión de la junta directiva de la organización Tri-County Hispanic American Association del 3 de octubre de 1994. / Tri-County Hispanic American Association typed minutes of the October 3, 1994, board meeting.
Color photographic postcard of the interior, including the bema, of St. Thomas Synagogue in Charlotte Amalie on the island of Saint Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Color photographic postcard of the interior, including the Torah ark, of St. Thomas Synagogue in Charlotte Amalie on the island of Saint Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Color photographic postcard of the interior, including the Torah ark, of St. Thomas Synagogue in Charlotte Amalie on the island of Saint Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Fotografía en color de Mario Puga a la edad de veinte años. Se lo ve rodeado de plantas y sonriendo. La fotografía fue tomada en su lugar de trabajo, Beckets Nursery en Johns Island. / Color photograph of Mario Puga at age twenty. He is surrounded by plants and he is smiling. The photograph was taken at Beckets Nursery in Johns Island where he was employed.
Fotografía en color de Alma López a la edad de dieciséis años trabajando en Beckets Nursery en Johns Island. / Color photograph of Alma Lopez at age sixteen working in Beckets Nursery in Johns Island.
Fotografía en color de Mario Puga asomándose a través del techo de su automóvil recientemente adquirido. La fotografía fue tomada en el vecindario construido por Habitat for Humanity, Esau Jenkins en Johns Island. / Color photograph of Mario Puga standing through the sunroof of his recently purchased car. The photo was taken in the Esau Jenkins Habitat for Humanity neighborhood in Johns Island.