WPAL continuity sheet for September 8, 1977 containing information on Mayor Joseph P. Riley and "the incidents that took place at the Sertoma Football Classic." Enclosed Preliminary Report and typescript speech on the Violence at the Sertoma Classic of Friday, August 26, 1977.
Materials regarding "Operation Step-up," drafted by George A. Mines, Jr. of George A. Mines, Jr. Construction Company, providing an introduction and proposal regarding the program.
Correspondence from Bill Hallman, Classic Chairman to Sertoma Club of Charleston, to Septima P. Clark regarding "assistance to the community by aiding the Charleston Sertoma Club."
Six colored photographs of the outbuilding at No. 48 Bull Street: Top left (north section); Top middle (middle section); Top right (south section); Bottom left (side elevation of north section); Bottom middle (middle section); Bottom right (middle and south section). The six photographs are attached to a white paper. There is a white border surrounding all six photographs. The paper is labeled "views of rear bldg. 48 Bull St." The outbuilding consists of horizontal exterior clapboard paneling and a red tin roof. There are large window openings on the second story and large garage doors on the first story.
YWCA of Greater Charleston's Spring 1977 newsletter addressed to Septima P. Clark, discussing General Information, Spring Events, Adult Classes, Youth Classes, Leisure Time Activities, and Summer Camp.