Handwritten class notes written by Bernice Robinson from Community Action Technicians training programs in Wisconsin, Iowa, Indiana, and North Carolina.
Coming Street Y.W.C.A. Fall Program for 1967, including Branch Highlights, Adult Classes, Teen and Pre-Teen Classes, Club Activities, and Coming Events.
Clergy and Laymen Concerned About Vietnam publication entitled, "Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Dr. John C. Bennett, Dr. Henry Steele Commager, Rabbi Abraham Heschel Speak on the War in Vietnam."
Transcript of speech entitled, "Poverty - A Luxury We Can't Afford," written by John E. Murray, Community Education Specialist for The North Carolina Fund.
Publication entitled, "Making the Most of Your Money: Lessons in Consumer Education for Adults," written by the Education Division of Institution of Life Insurance.
Handwritten notes on various Community Action Technicians Alumni Association matters, including information on the 1967-68 officers, meeting discussions, and memberships.
Anti-war comic entitled, "Vietnam," providing arguments against the Vietnam War with an emphasis on the injustices with regard to African American enlisted soldiers.
Typescript copy of report entitled, "Urbanization of the Negro. Problems and Prospects of the Promised Land" by J. Herman Blake presented at "Conference '67: Survival of Black People" in San Francisco in January 28, 1967 and in Los Angeles in May 27, 1967.
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee book entitled, "Our Folktales," presenting a series of folktales compiled by Julius Lester and illustrated by Jennifer Lawson, edited by Mary Varela.
Bernice Robinson's copy of University of Wisconsin Center for Action on Poverty Community Action Program Technicians Training Center creative thinking work sheets.
Notecards written by Bernice Robinson for a leadership course, including introduction to session, leadership measurement, dynamics of a group, and leadership styles.
University of Wisconsin, University Extension, and Office of Economic Opportunity's Community Action Technicians Training Program yearbook for the Class of 1967.
Handwritten neighborhood center proposal, written by Bernice Robinson as part of her participation in an University of Wisconsin Center for Action on Poverty conference.
University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee Community Action Technicians Training Program course material entitled, "Ketteringisms," containing anecdotes on the life of Charles F. Kettering and a list of his aphorisms.
West Ashley Branch Library, 45 Windermere Boulevard. Interior view of staff and patrons using facility. Caption on back: "West Ashley Branch, 1967. Elizabeth H. Allen, Librarian at circulation desk. Used in County's annual report, 1967."
Proposal outline exercise completed by Bernice Robinson as part of her participation in an University of Wisconsin Center for Action on Poverty conference.
Proposed By-Laws for the Community Action Technicians Alumni Association, including information on its purpose, membership, executive directors, officers, advisors, regional representatives, dues, terms, duties, finance, elections, and selections.
Tap Roots Newsletter discussing various activities held by the Santa Rosa and Sonoma County NAACP, information on their project director, job listings, FAQs, a casserole recipe, and programs.
University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee Community Action Technicians Training Program course material providing information on the Catalogue of Federal and State Aid Programs to Agencies and/or Localities, broken down by state.
"Certificate awarded to Bernice Robinson in recognition of satisfactory completion of the training courses for Community Action Program Technicians" at the University of Wisconsin Center for Action on Poverty.
Article entitled, "Licensing for Child Care: A Preventative Welfare Service," written by Norris E. Class, discussing the technicalities involved in developing a viable child care program.
University of Wisconsin Center for Action on Poverty Community Action Program Technicians Training Center creative thinking activities and course materials.
Bernice Robinson's notes take during creative thinking process course University of Wisconsin Center for Action on Poverty Community Action Program Technicians Training Center.
Memorandum from Lawrence L. Suhm to all CAP Graduates regarding University of Wisconsin Center for Action on Poverty conference program, including tentative schedule and attendee participation form.
John L. Dart Branch Library, 1067 King Street. Architect's rendering of new building, created by D. C. Liollio. Caption on back: "A new building for an old branch. To be located at 1067 King St., this $171,800.00 building, 6500 sq. ft. in size, will replace the Dart Hall branch library. 1967."
University of Wisconsin Rural CAP Training Program course material entitled, "Tests for Checking a Main Motion," discussing elements of a book entitled, "Learning Parliamentary Procedure," by Alice F. Sturgis.
University of Wisconsin Rural CAP Training Program course material entitled, "Selected Research Findings Concerning Social Stratification and Social Conflict."
University of Wisconsin Center for Action on Poverty Community Action Program Technicians Training Center creative thinking activities and course materials.
Building (former bar, with Miller High Life signs on windows), on site affected by the widening of State Road 13 (Remount Road). Surveyor notations on back of photo: "Dkt.: 10.562. Property owner: Fannie Lou Owens. Tract: 32. Date: Jul. 12, 1967." [See collection description for explanation of surveyor notations.]
Gulf gas Station [Berkeley Gulf Service], on site affected by the widening of State Road 13 (Remount Road). Berkeley Drugs (Walgreens) in background. Surveyor notations on back of photo: "Dkt.: 10.562. Property owner: C.D. Hoffecker Estate. Tract: 24. Date: Jul. 12, 1967." [See collection description for explanation of surveyor notations.]
Gulf gas Station [Berkeley Gulf Service], on site affected by the widening of State Road 13 (Remount Road). Surveyor notations on back of photo: "Dkt.: 10.562. Property owner: C.D. Hoffecker Estate. Tract: 24. Date: Jul. 12, 1967." [See collection description for explanation of surveyor notations.]
House on site affected by the widening of State Road 13 (Remount Road). View of street corner. Corner of Hardy Avenue and Remount Road. Directional sign for The Taxidermy House. Surveyor notations on back of photo: "Dkt.: 10.562. Property owner: Harry R. Parkinson, et al. Tract: 61. Date: Jul. 19, 1967." [See collection description for explanation of surveyor notations.]
House on site affected by the widening of State Road 13 (Remount Road). Surveyor notations on back of photo: "Dkt.: 10.562. Property owner: Mrs. J.L. McFadyen. Tract: 69. Date: Jul. 19, 1967." [See collection description for explanation of surveyor notations.]
House on site affected by the widening of State Road 13 (Remount Road). Surveyor notations on back of photo: "Dkt.: 10.562. Property owner: William M. Nelson. Tract: 111. Date: Jul. 19, 1967." [See collection description for explanation of surveyor notations.]
House on site affected by the widening of State Road 13 (Remount Road). Surveyor notations on back of photo: "Dkt.: 10.562. Property owner: Lolie Driggers. Tract: 80. Date: Jul. 19, 1967." [See collection description for explanation of surveyor notations.]
House on site affected by the widening of State Road 13 (Remount Road). Surveyor notations on back of photo: "Dkt.: 10.562. Property owner: Melbry Grimes. Tract: 91. Date: Jul. 19, 1967." [See collection description for explanation of surveyor notations.]
Site affected by the widening of State Road 13 (Remount Road). Surveyor notations on back of photo: "Dkt.: 10.562. Property owner: Elizabeth Gilmoor. Tract: 107. Date: Jul. 19, 1967." [See collection description for explanation of surveyor notations.]
Crown gas station, on site affected by the widening of State Road 13 (Remount Road). View of street corner. Possibly the corner of North Rhett Avenue and Remount Road. Surveyor notations on back of photo: "Dkt.: 10.562. Property owner: Corco Realty Co. (Crown). Tract: 142. Date: Jul. 19, 1967." [See collection description for explanation of surveyor notations.]
Four B&W photographs of buildings on the west side of King Street, including 213 King and 215 King, demolished for the construction of Majestic Square: Top left (211-215): 211-213 King (Palmetto Hotel) and 215 King Street (Stephan's); Top right: 197 King Street; Bottom left 193-197: 193 King Street (Colonial Antique Shop), 195 King Street, and 197 King Street; Bottom right (191-197): 191 King Street (Birlant Antiques), 193 King Street, 195 King Street, 197 King Street.
Three B&W photographs of buildings on the west side of King Street, demolished for the construction of Majestic Square: Top left: 223 King Street (Ocean Grill); Top right: 221 King Street (photograph is missing); Bottom left (219-223): 219 King Street (Rice Bros.), 221 King Street, and 223 King Street (Ocean Grill); Bottom right (217-219): 217 King Street and 219 King Street (Rice Bros.).
Two B&W photographs of buildings on the east side of King Street, both demolished for the construction of Charleston Place: Left (224-226): 224 King Street and 226 King Street (Ritz Hotel); Right: 222 King Street (Copa Lounge) (northeast corner of King and Market).
Four B&W photographs of buildings on the east side of King Street: Top left (178-184): 178 King Street (W.K. Prause Co.), 180 King Street, 182 King Street, and 184 King Street; Top right: 174 King Street; Bottom left: 164 King Street (Charleston Library Society) [labeled 168 on album page]; Bottom right (160-162): 160 King Street and 162 King Street.
Four color photographs of buildings on the west side of King Street: Top left: 235 King Street (Interiors); Top right: 233 King Street; Bottom left: 231 King Street (The Tiki); Bottom right: 229 King Street (Old Towne Restaurant)
Crown gas station, on site affected by the widening of State Road 13 (Remount Road). Johnny's in back. Possibly the corner of North Rhett Avenue and Remount Road. Surveyor notations on back of photo: "Dkt.: 10.562. Property owner: Corco Realty Co. (Crown). Tract: 142. Date: Jul. 19, 1967." [See collection description for explanation of surveyor notations.]
Crown gas station, on site affected by the widening of State Road 13 (Remount Road). Possibly the corner of North Rhett Avenue and Remount Road. Surveyor notations on back of photo: "Dkt.: 10.562. Property owner: Corco Realty Co. (Crown). Tract: 142. Date: Jul. 19, 1967." [See collection description for explanation of surveyor notations.]
Esso gas station, on site affected by the widening of State Road 13 (Remount Road). Louie's Speed shop in background. Surveyor notations on back of photo: "Dkt.: 10.562. Property owner: Harry R. Williams. Tract: 113. Date: Jul. 19, 1967." [See collection description for explanation of surveyor notations.]
Atlantic gas station, on site affected by the widening of State Road 13 (Remount Road). Surveyor notations on back of photo: "Dkt.: 10.562. Property owner: Atlantic Refining Co. Tract: 37. Date: Jul. 19, 1967." [See collection description for explanation of surveyor notations.]
Arrow Restaurant and Trucker's Billiard Academy, on site affected by the widening of State Road 13 (Remount Road). Surveyor notations on back of photo: "Dkt.: 10.562. Property owner: F.L. Parks, Jr. Tract: 3. Date: Jul. 12, 1967." [See collection description for explanation of surveyor notations.]
Little Italy pizza restaurant, next door to Remount Repair & Salvage, on site affected by the widening of State Road 13 (Remount Road). Surveyor notations on back of photo: "Dkt.: 10.562. Property owner: George Constantino. Tract: 116. Date: Jul. 19, 1967." [See collection description for explanation of surveyor notations.]
Building on site affected by the widening of State Road 13 (Remount Road). Corner view of building in State Road 13 Photo 34, corner of S-10-798 and Remount Road. View of street corner. Sign for the A&P across the street. Surveyor notations on back of photo: "Dkt.: 10.562. Property owner: Fannie Lou Owens. Tract: 32. Date: Jul. 12, 1967." [See collection description for explanation of surveyor notations.]
House on site affected by the widening of State Road 13 (Remount Road). (1488 Remount Road.) Surveyor notations on back of photo: "Dkt.: 10.562. Property owner: Mrs. J.L. McFadyen. Tract: 69. Date: Jul. 19, 1967." [See collection description for explanation of surveyor notations.]
House on site affected by the widening of State Road 13 (Remount Road). Surveyor notations on back of photo: "Dkt.: 10.562. Property owner: Charles R. Roberson. Tract: 36. Date: Jul. 19, 1967." [See collection description for explanation of surveyor notations.]