Photograph of the Sing Lee Laundry (133 King Street) after the tornadoes of September 29, 1938, showing the damage done to the building. Signs for the Robbins Bros. Circus (on Sept. 26) are posted in the windows.
Photograph of Lamboll Street elevation of 19 King Street [Thomas Lamboll House] after the tornadoes of September 29, 1938, showing the damage done to the piazzas and roof. Men are standing on the roof.
Photograph 19 King Street [Thomas Lamboll House] after the tornadoes of September 29, 1938, showing the damage done to the house. King Street elevation.
A report from the mayor, city council, and various governmental departments of Charleston, S.C. for the year 1938. The Year Book opens with an address from the mayor, Henry W. Lockwood, followed by reports from various departments.
The College of Charleston Magazine is a monthly publication released by the College of Charleston's Chrestomathic Society during the academic year. This volume is comprised of the bound together publications for the Winter of 1938 and Spring of 1939.
This album consists of photographs, travel permits, newspaper clippings, and other documents related to the Legendre Iran Expedition for the American Museum of Natural History. Photos show Gertrude and Sidney Legendre camping and hunting with George Goodwin from the Museum.
Photograph of Church Street, looking south from the corner of Broad Street at 49 Broad (right foreground), showing the scene on the street after the tornadoes of September 29, 1938. Fallen tree lies across the street; debris and water cover the street. Onlookers are on the street. 105 Church and 107 Church can also be seen.
Photograph of City Hall after the tornadoes of September 29, 1938, showing the damage done to the building. Men stand on the landing at the entry to the building.