Main caption: 'The President at the Charleston Exposition. Photographs by Frederick Moore.' Caption top left: 'The President speaking in the auditorium.' Caption top right: 'Negro tea-pickers singing pickaninny songs to the President.' Caption bottom center: 'The presidential party reviewing the parade.' Further captioning identifies: 'The President, Sec. Wilson, Mayor Smythe, Mrs. Roosevelt.'
Caption: 'Charleston--Celebration of her recovery from the effects of the Earthquake.--from a photograph by Cook.--[see page 818.]' [full date November 12, 1887.]
Main caption: 'Incidents of the Earthquake at Charleston.--drawn by Schell and Hogan.--[see page 590.]' Caption top left: 'In front of the Charleston Hotel.' Caption top right: 'looking over the roofs.' Caption middle: 'A camp on the East Battery.' Caption bottom left: 'The front wall gone.' Caption bottom center: 'In a rich man's garden.' Caption bottom right: ' On the track.' [full date September 11, 1886.]
Caption: 'Cook's Earthquake Views of Charleston and Vicinity. Taken after the 31st of August, 1886. No.79, St. Mary's Church. [And handwritten] Hasell Street.'
Main caption: 'Leading lawn-tennis players.--photographed by E.M. Bidwell.--[see page 583.]' Caption top left: 'Richard Dudley Sears.' Caption top right: 'Dr. James Dwight.' Caption bottom left: 'R. Livingston Beeckman.' Caption bottom right: 'Howard A. Taylor.' [full date September 11, 1886.]
Caption: 'Cook's Earthquake Views of Charleston and Vicinity. Taken after the 31st of August, 1886. No.99, Rear of Scotch Church.' Handwritten at bottom, front: 'Charleston Earthquake scene - Rear of First Presbyterian Church.'
Caption: 'Cook's Earthquake Views of Charleston and Vicinity. Taken after the 31st of August, 1886. No.99, Rear of Scotch Church.' First (Scots) Presbyterian Church on Meeting Street.
Caption: 'Cook's Earthquake Views of Charleston and Vicinity. Taken after the 31st of August, 1886. No.65, _____ Holmes, East Battery.' Written on front, at bottom: 'Charleston Earthquake scene - Holmes residence, East Battery.' Charleston city directory for 1886 shows Charles R. Holmes, Jr., at 19 East Battery.
Caption: 'Cook's Earthquake Views of Charleston and Vicinity. Series No.2. No.170, Buist residence, Rutledge Street.' Written on front, at bottom: Buist Residence, 43 Rutledge St.' Charleston city directory for 1886 shows listing for Samuel S. Buist at 43 Rutledge Avenue.
Caption: 'Cook's Earthquake Views of Charleston and Vicinity. Taken after the 31st of August, 1886. No.135, Corner State and Chalmers Streets.' Written on front, at bottom: 'Charleston Earthquake views - ruins cor[ner] Chalmers & State Str.'
Caption: 'Cook's Earthquake Views of Charleston and Vicinity. Series No.2. No.187, residence of Mr. A. Lengnick.' Charleston city directory for 1886 shows Albert Lengnick at 11 Pitt Street.
Caption: 'Cook's Earthquake Views of Charleston and Vicinity. Taken after the 31st of August, 1886.' Possibly No.178, but corresponding captioning is missing. Handwritten on reverse: 'Formerly St. Luke's Episcopal now [New Tabernacle] Fourth Baptist Church, 22 Elizabeth Street.' Handwritten at bottom, front: 'Charleston Earthquake scene - St. Luke's Episcopal Church.'
Caption: 'Cook's Earthquake Views of Charleston and Vicinity. Series No.2. No.181, Beresford Street.' This may be Beresford Alley which is also known as Clifford Street.
Written on reverse: 'House in which young Mr. Robson was killed. Two young ladies were buried in the ruins were rescued. Coming near Cannon.' Possibly from Cook's Earthquake Views, No.132, residence of J.N. Robson, from west. Written on front, at bottom: 'Charleston Earthquake view. Residence of Mr. J.N. Robson, whose eldest son was killed.' Charleston city directory for 1886 shows James N. Robson at 200 Coming Street.
Caption: 'Charleston Earthquake. Photographs by Dr. E.P. Howland, taken on his visit to Charleston and the earthquake region of Ten Mile Hill and Summerville. Over 150 photographs were taken. Orphans and tents in which they lived.' Written on front, at bottom: 'Charleston Earthquake scene - orphans, standing the yard of the Orphan House.'
Caption: 'Cook's Earthquake Views of Charleston and Vicinity. Taken after the 31st of August, 1886. No.116, wreck in George Street.' Written on front, at bottom: 'Charleston Earthquake view - Ruins in George St.'
Caption: 'Cook's Earthquake Views of Charleston and Vicinity. Taken after the 31st of August, 1886. No.149, Robb's Lot.' Handwritten on reverse: ' Robb's Lot E. side [of] King bet[ween] Market & Horlbeck.'
Caption: 'Cook's Earthquake Views of Charleston and Vicinity. Taken after the 31st of August, 1886. No.133, 5 and 7 Broad Street.' Written on front, at bottom: 'Walker, Evans & Cogswell, Broad St.' Charleston City Directory for 1886 shows Walker, Evans & Cogswell at 3-5 Broad Street. Etiwan[Phosphate] Company is at 7 Broad.
Charleston Earthquake scene. Possibly from Cook's Earthquake Views, no.63. William Ravenel, East Battery, rear. Written on front, at bottom: 'Wm Ravenel's, East Battery.'
Caption: 'Cook's Earthquake Views of Charleston and Vicinity. Taken after the 31st of August, 1886. No.129, College as torn down.' Handwritten at bottom, front: 'Charleston Earthquake views - Charleston College. Both wings gone.'
Caption: 'Cook's Earthquake Views of Charleston and Vicinity. Taken after the 31st of August, 1886. No.51, Wide fissure, Ten Mile Hill.' Handwritten at bottom, front: 'Charleston Earthquake scene - Large geyser near Ten Mile Hill.'
Caption: 'Cook's Earthquake Views of Charleston and Vicinity. Series No.2. No.154, East Bay, 60 days after the earthquake.' Written on front, at bottom: 'View on East Bay 60 days after the Earthquake.' Sign on building reads: 'Otto Tiedman & Sons.' Charleston city directory for 1886 shows business at 172-174 East Bay.
Caption: 'The Ruins Of Charleston.--photographed by W.E. Wilson, Savannah, Georgia. 1. The Guard House. 2. St. Michael's Church. 3. News and Courier Office. 4. St. Philip's Church. 5. No.27 Broad Street. 6. Hibernian Hall. 7. The Medical College.'
Caption: 'Cook's Earthquake Views of Charleston and Vicinity taken after the 31st of August, 1886. No.2, St. Michael's Church, Interior.' Handwritten along bottom: 'Charleston Earthquake scene - interior of St. Michael's Church.' Very similar to MK 4133.
Caption: 'Cook's Earthquake Views of Charleston and Vicinity. Taken after the 31st of August, 1886. No.22, Broad Street, north side.' Charleston Insurance & Trust, Co. is shown to the left. Charleston city directory for 1886 lists it as Ravenel, Johnson & Co. at 12 Broad Street.
Caption: 'Cook's Earthquake Views of Charleston and Vicinity. Taken after the 31st of August, 1886. No.93, No.11 King Street.' Written on front, at bottom: 'Charleston Earthquake scene - Private residence on King St. near South Battery.'
Caption: 'Charleston Earthquake. Photographs by Dr. E.P. Howland, taken on his visit to Charleston and the earthquake region of Ten Mile Hill and Summerville. Over 150 Photographs were taken. Charleston Jail and cracked wall, unsafe and condemned.'
Caption: 'Cook's Earthquake Views of Charleston and Vicinity. Taken after the 31st of August, 1886. No.12, Citadel Academy.' Shows Citadel when located on Marion Square.
Caption: 'After The Earthquake At Charleston.--drawn by W.A. Rogers and W.P. Snyder from sketches by Frederic Remington and A.J. Gustin.--[see page 610.]' Individual captions: (top left): 'Open air preaching.' (top right): Subsistence committee.' (bottom left): 'Negro prayer-meeting.' (bottom right): 'Relief committee.' [full date September 18, 1886.]
Charleston Earthquake scene. Possibly from Cook's Earthquake views, No.157, scene near Accomodation Wharf. Written on front, at bottom: 'Charleston Earthquake Scene - ruins on Accomodation Wharf.' Charleston city directory for 1886 lists Accomodation Wharf as opposite 176 East Bay Street.
Caption: 'Cook's Earthquake Views of Charleston and Vicinity. Taken after the 31st of August, 1886. No.8, U.S. Court House.' Written on bottom, at front: 'Charleston Earthquake scene - United States Court House, Meeting Street.'
Caption: 'Cook's Earthquake Views of Charleston and Vicinity. Taken after the 31st of August, 1886. No.91, Brawley House, Legare Street.' Charleston city directory for 1886 shows Wm. H. Brawley at 9 Legare Street.
Caption: 'Cook's Earthquake Views of Charleston and Vicinity. Taken after the 31st of August, 1886. No.136, Meeting Street, cor. [of] Market.' Henry Steitz Produce is pictured. Charleston City directory for 1886 lists Henry Steitz, Fruits & Produce, at 113-115 Market Street.
Caption: 'Cook's Earthquake Views of Charleston and Vicinity. Taken after the 31st of August, 1886. No.115, Corner [of] Market and Anson Streets.' Sign on building reads: 'Ship & Family Groceries.' Written on front, at bottom: 'Charleston Earthquake view - cor. Market and Anson sts.'
Charleston Earthquake scene. Written on reverse: 'East Battery, just below Atlantic Street. Edmonston [sic] House, later the Charles Alston residence. Now (1947) the residence of J.J. Pringle Smith. Old Holmes house on left. Earthquake of 1886 - Charleston, S.C.'
Caption: 'Charleston Earthquake. Photographs by Dr. E.P. Howland, taken on his visit to Charleston and the earthquake region of Ten Mile Hill and Summervile. Over 150 Photographs were taken. House of Mrs. Snowden, President of Confederate Home.'
Caption: 'Cook's Earthquake Views of Charleston and Vicinity. Taken after the 31st of August, 1886. No.61, Mrs. B.D. Lazarus, Hasel [sic] St.' Charleston city directory for 1886 shows Mrs. B.D. Lazarus at 64 Hassell Street.
Caption: ' Cook's Earthquake Views of Charleston and Vicinity. Series No.2. No.164, Storehouse of Bennett's Mill.' Note on the catalog card show storehouse located at East end of Wentworth Street.
Caption: 'Cook's Earthquake Views of Charleston and Vicinity. Taken after the 31st of August, 1886. No. 55, Major R.C. Gilchrist, Bee St[reet].' Charleston city directory for 1886 shows Robert C. Gilchrist at 12 Bee Street.
Caption: 'Cook's Earthquake Views of Charleston and Vicinity. Series No.2.' No.156, Scene near Brown's Wharf.' Charleston city directory for 1886 lists Brown's Wharf as opposite Vendue Range.
Caption: 'Cook's Earthquake Views of Charleston and Vicinity. Series No.2. No.190, Kerr's Wharf. Charleston city directory for 1886 lists Kerr's Wharf as opposite Cordes.
Charleston Earthquake scene, residence on Ashley Street. Handwritten on reverse: 'The residence of the Mayor of Charleston shattered by the Earthquake, Aug[us]t 31st 1886 and occupied by the Mayor's family unitl May 1887. Courtnay's [sic] residence. E.V.V. made bust of this man.'
Charleston Earthquake scene. Handwritten on reverse: '9 mile bottom - South Carolina railroad - chasm on left. Track was originally a tangent. Caused by earthquake, 1886. Track cut of line.'