Charleston Earthquake scene. Sign at bottom of image: 'Mr. August Melm's room, 21 King Street.' Also, written on front, at bottom: 'Earthquake - Charleston S.C. 1886.' Charleston city directory for 1886 lists August Melm, a local attorney, as boarding at 21 King Street.
Charleston Earthquake scene. Possibly from Cook's Earthquake views, No.157, scene near Accomodation Wharf. Written on front, at bottom: 'Charleston Earthquake Scene - ruins on Accomodation Wharf.' Charleston city directory for 1886 lists Accomodation Wharf as opposite 176 East Bay Street.
Caption: 'Cook's Earthquake Views of Charleston and Vicinity. Series No.2. No.159, Storehouses Adger's Wharf.' Charleston city directory for 1886 lists Adger's Wharf as opposite Tradd Street on East Bay.
Charleston Earthquake scene. Written on reverse: 'East Battery, just below Atlantic Street. Edmonston [sic] House, later the Charles Alston residence. Now (1947) the residence of J.J. Pringle Smith. Old Holmes house on left. Earthquake of 1886 - Charleston, S.C.'
Caption: 'Cook's Earthquake Views of Charleston and Vicinity. Taken after the 31st of August, 1886. No.66, _____ Alston, East Battery.' Charleston city directory for 1886 shows various members of the Alston family at 21 East Battery.
Charleston Earthquake scene, residence on Ashley Street. Handwritten on reverse: 'The residence of the Mayor of Charleston shattered by the Earthquake, Aug[us]t 31st 1886 and occupied by the Mayor's family unitl May 1887. Courtnay's [sic] residence. E.V.V. made bust of this man.'
Caption: 'Cook's Earthquake Views of Charleston and Vicinity. Taken after the 31st of August, 1886. No.148, Landslide on the Ashley.' Handwritten at bottom, front: 'Charleston Earthquake view - Land slide near Summerville, S.C.'
Caption: 'Cook's Earthquake Views of Charleston and Vicinity. Taken after the 31st of August, 1886. No.67, G.W. Williams, Jr., Atlantic Street.' Charleston city directory for 1886 shows George W. Williams, Jr. at 2 Atlantic Street.
Caption: 'Cook's Earthquake Views of Charleston and Vicinity. Series No.2. No.167, rear of residence of Geo. [George] W. Williams, Jr.' Charleston city directory for 1886 shows George W. Williams, Jr. at 2 Atlantic Street.
Charleston Earthquake scene. Written on front, at bottom: 'Charleston Earthquake scene - warehouse on Atlantic Wharf.' Charleston city directory for 1886 lists Atlantic Wharf at the rear of the Post Office.
Caption: 'Cook's Earthquake Views of Charleston and Vicinity. Taken after the 31st of August, 1886. No.125, Scene near Atlantic Wharf.' Charleston city directory for 1886 lists Atlantic Wharf at the rear of the Post Office.
Caption: 'Cook's Earthquake Views of Charleston and Vicinity. Taken after the 31st of August, 1886. No.38, Bagging Factory, East end.' Charleston city directory for 1886 shows the office of the Charleston Bagging Manufacturing Company at 110 East Bay. Written on front, at bottom: 'Charleston Earthquake Scene - Rear of Bagging Factory.'
Caption: 'Cook's Earthquake Views of Charleston and Vicinity. Taken after the 31st of August, 1886. No.117, Citadel Square Baptist Church.' Also, handwritten at bottom, front: 'Charleston Earthquake scene - Citadel Square Baptist Church.'
Caption: 'Cook's Earthquake Views of Charleston and Vicinity. Taken after the 31st of August, 1886. No.76, First Baptist Church, front.' Handwritten at bottom, front: 'Charleston Earthquake scene - First Baptist Church, Church Street.'
Caption: 'Cook's Earthquake Views of Charleston and Vicinity. Taken after the 31st of August, 1886. No.65, _____ Holmes, East Battery.' Written on front, at bottom: 'Charleston Earthquake scene - Holmes residence, East Battery.' Charleston city directory for 1886 shows Charles R. Holmes, Jr., at 19 East Battery.
Charleston Earthquake scene. Possibly from Cook's Earthquake Views, no.63. William Ravenel, East Battery, rear. Written on front, at bottom: 'Wm Ravenel's, East Battery.'
Caption: 'Charleston Earthquake. Photographs by Dr. E.P. Howland, taken on his visit to Charleston and the earthquake region of Ten Mile Hill and Summervile. Over 150 Photographs were taken. House of Mr. Ravenell [sic], President Northeastern R.R.'
Caption: 'Cook's Earthquake Views of Charleston and Vicinity. Taken after the 31st of August, 1886. No.62, Wm. [William] Ravenel, East Battery, front.' Written on front, at bottom: 'Earthquake scene, Charleston, So.Ca. - Ravenel House'
Caption: 'Cook's Earthquake Views of Charleston and Vicinity. Series No.2. No.154, East Bay, 60 days after the earthquake.' Written on front, at bottom: 'View on East Bay 60 days after the Earthquake.' Sign on building reads: 'Otto Tiedman & Sons.' Charleston city directory for 1886 shows business at 172-174 East Bay.
Charleston Earthquake scene. Written on front, at bottom: 'Commercial Cotton Press, East Bay.' Charleston city directory for 1886 lists Commercial Wharf and Cotton Press, Co. on East Bay Street and Longitude Lane.
Charleston Earthquake scene. Possibly from Cook's Earthquake views, No.31, Tenement houses on East Bay. Written on front, at bottom: 'Charleston Earthquake scene - house on East Bay near Tradd.' Sign on building at left, reads: 'Ship & Family Groceries' known to be at the corner of East Bay and Queen. Sign on building at right, reads: '65' and possibly 'Sahlmann.' 1886 Charleston city directory lists L. Sahlmann, Hay & Grain, at 83 East Bay.
Charleston Earthquake scene. Written on front, at bottom: 'Wm M. Bird & Co. East Bay & Cumberland St.' Sign on building reads: '205, Wm. M. Bird & Co' and '203, Wm E. Holmes.'
Caption: 'Cook's Earthqauke Views of Charleston and Vicinity. Taken after the 31st of August, 1886. No.126, East Bay, corner Queen Street.' Sign on building reads: 'Ship & Family Groceries.' Possibly J.J.W. Luden, retail grocers and ship chandlers, located 167-169 East Bay, according to the 1886 Charleston city directory.
Caption: 'Cook's Earthquake Views of Charleston and Vicinity. Taken after the 31st of August, 1886. No.82, East Bay Street.' Sign for Jas [James] Ackermann at 114 East Bay is visible.