This diary, written by an unnamed member of the McLeod family, contains entries throughout 1927 and October 1931. Most entries concern the weather, the author's health, and author's interactions with various friends and family members.
Plantation journal from McLeod Plantation. It lists the names and accounts of workers (1910-1921), contains notes on crops (1926-1944), and has a number of family accounts (1927-1965).
A two-page letter from Christopher Gadsden to Major General Charles Lee informing Lee that he and a detachment of troops from his regiment have landed at Lighthouse Island and taken possession of the lighthouse. Gadsden also reports on some British warships nearby.
Report on the specifications of the materials and labor to be used in the erection of the portico at the residence of Mr. W.W. McLeod on James Island, Charleston County, S.C.