Color image depicting south facade of McLeod Plantation. Writing on back of image reads, "1991 McLeod Plantation (James Island) South facade; originally the front of the house until 1925 when the portico was added to the north side."
Color image depicting east facade of McLeod Plantation. Writing on back of image reads, "1991 McLeod Plantation (James Is.) East Facade with kitchen ext. showing in left corner (added in 1925)."
Color image depicting north facade of McLeod Plantation. Writing on back of image reads, "1991 McLeod Plantation (James Is.) North facade. Taken from Country Club Road."
Color image depicting north facade of McLeod Plantation. Writing on back of image reads, "1991 McLeod Plantation 1991 (James Island) North Facade close-up."
Color photograph of Willie McLeod and two women. Writing on back of image reads, "Mr. Willie McLeod, Lady was his house keeper, Mrs. Pope. Marjorie O'Keefe, Clark Grimball's daughter. Approx - 1988."
Color photograph, with some damage, of Willie McLeod seated in front of a bookcase. Writing on back of image reads, "April 1988. Cousin Willie McLeod. Shots by Wendy Welch Pitts."
Color photograph of Willie McLeod seated with birthday cake on table. Four other people standing around him. Writing on back of image reads, "Mr. Pope. Al Foy. Vivian Foy. John Haizlop. Mr William McLeod 100 years! Febr 4, 1985."
Color photograph of Willie McLeod holding small child. Writing on back of image reads, "Cousin Willie & Sarah Steele (Daughter of Pete & Kathy. Granddaughter of Jack & Jane) November 1985."
Color photograph, a Polaroid of two young boys sitting in front of a Christmas tree. Writing on front of image reads, "12/25/81 Shawn & Chris." Writing on back of image reads, "Livingston Boys of North Charleston. Christmas 1981."
Color photograph, on postcard, of group of 17 people (men, women, and children) standing on step of portico at McLeod Plantation. Writing on back of image reads, "Reunion at McLeod Plantation July, 1977."
Color image depicting north view of McLeod Plantation with circle drive visible. Writing on back of image reads, "McLeod Plantation house - James Island. Jan 1977 by George McDaniel."
Black-and-white image depicting north view of McLeod Plantation. Writing on back of image reads, "McLeod Plantation house - James Island. Jan. 1977. By George McDaniel."
Color photograph, on card, of church interior. Text under image reads, "St. James Episcpal Church, Charleston, South Carolina." Writing on back of card reads, "To wish you the special gifts of Christmas - peace, good will and abiding happiness. Rosa and Bob Dewios."
Color photograph of four people. Writing on back of image reads, "Dec., 1975. L.R. Seated Rose M. Barnwell, W.E. McLeod, Gene Morrison, Louise Morrison."
Color photograph of W.E. McLeod standing near a fireplace with a man and woman. Writing on back of image reads, "Dec 1975 LR - W.E.McLeod, Eugene Morrison, Louise Morrison."
Color photograph of two men and two women, one wearing a wedding dress. Writing on back of image reads, "(Beverly Caldwell) Mr. Willie, Bob - Sharon & John. January 27th 73. St. Jame's Episcopal Church. Reception in Parish House."
Color photograph of an unidentified woman and young girl sitting on a bench under a tree. Writing on back of image reads, "The big Magnolia tree in your South yard."
Color photograph of man, woman, and young girl standing on portico of McLeod Plantation. Writing on back of image reads, "The Reeds who enjoyed seeing your home so much. Dec. 1972."
Black-and-white photograph of man wearing uniform standing in front of curtain. Writing on back of image reads, "To my good friend, Mr. Willie McLeod. Jan. 22, 1962. Claude H. Moore."
Color photograph depicting image of six people standing in front of McLeod Plantation. Writing on back of image reads, "McLeod house James Island, 1960. L-R -(?) Rose M.L.Barnwell, Dr. E.H. Barnwell (?) W.E. McLeod (?)."
Color photograph of four men looking over rooftop of building. Writing on back of image reads, "Country Club 1960. W.E. McLeod pointing. Others not remembered."
Black-and-white photograph of a portrait of two young children. Writing on back of image reads, "Sallie, 3 years. Jay 2 years (John, Jr.). Oct. 1960. Children of the Rev & Mrs. John Rivers".
Black-and-white photograph of a portrait of a man. Writing on back of image reads, "To my good friend Mr. Willis McLeod. 1956. Claude H. Moore. Turkey, N.C."
Black-and-white image of a negative of a man's portrait. Text on the front of the image reads, "Barnwell. Edward H. 0 216978". Writing on back of image reads, "E.H.Barnwell. 1956."
Black-and-white photograph of a section of the line of slave cabins at McLeod Plantation. Writing on back of image reads, "McLeod Plantation Part of 'The Street' Fall of 1954."
Black-and-white image depicting north view of McLeod Plantation. Writing on back of image reads, "McLeod Plantation house. James Island S.C. North View, Fall of 1954."
Black-and-white photograph of a fireplace with a clock on the mantle. Writing on back of image reads, "McLeod Plantation house. The living room. Fall of 1954."
Black-and-white photograph of table and chair set with hutch in background. Writing on back of image reads, "McLeod Plantation. The dining room. Fall of 1954."
Black-and-white photograph of table and chairs with hutch in the background. Writing on back of image reads, "McLeod Plantation James Island, S.C. The Dining Room. Fall of 1954."
Black-and-white photograph of a piano and stools. Writing on back of image reads, "McLeod Plantation James Island S.C. The Drawing room. Fall of 1954."
Black-and-white photograph of line of slave cabins on McLeod Plantation. Writing on back of image reads, "McLeod Plantation, James Island, S.C. - Part of "The Street" looking west away from the "Big House" 1954."
Black-and-white photograph of line of slave cabins on McLeod Plantation. Writing on back of image reads, "McLeod Plantation, James Island, S.C. The Street looking east towards the Big House 1954."
Black-and-white photograph depicting line of slave cabins on McLeod Plantation property. Writing on back of image reads, "McLeod Plantation - James Island, S.C. "The Street" looking east to the "Big House" 1954".
Black-and-white photograph of two men, two women, and two young girls standing on steps. Writing on back of image reads, "McLeod Plantation, Spring of 1953. Phoebe Rhett Baird (center) with her husband and two young daughters. Right W.E. McLeod next to right Rose McLeod Barnwell."
Black-and-white photograph of two men observing pieces of grass. Text on back of image reads, "2*1856-29 SC- Charleston -10-24-50 Howard H. Lamar. St. Andrews Parish, S.C. W.H. Mickel, SCS work unit conservationist, H.H. Lamar, farmer, look at some Ky. 31 fescue grass and Ladino clover that was seed November 1949 and grazed during 1950. SCS Photo by John W. Busch. Please Credit Soil Conservation Service."
Black-and-white image depicting view towards the Wappoo Creek from the McLeod Plantation residence. Writing on back of image reads, "McLeod Plantation, James Island, looking north from the house towards Wappoo Creek. About 1942."
Black-and-white image depicting north view of McLeod Plantation. Writing on back of image reads, "McLeod house, James Island. North view. Built 1854. About 1940-'45."
Black-and-white image depicting view of the north west side of McLeod Plantation residence. Writing on back of image reads, "McLeod House. North west view. About 1940."
Black-and-white photograph of two men and three women outside. Writing on back of image reads, "McLeod house James Island - near north entrance. Left to right: Mr. Cunnings, W.E.McLeod, Mrs. S.L. Lebby, Miss McLeod and Miss Cunnings. About 1940. The Cunnings of Carring, N.Y. a friend of the Lebbys."
Black-and-white photograph of man and dog standing in front of building. Writing on back of image reads, "Old dairy McLeod Plantation James Island. W.E. McLeod and Bieto, the Yard Dog about 1938-40. The brick work forms a sort of cellar with shelves for the pans of milk. The other part of the house has a large fire place where the utensils were scalded every day. The churning etc was done here and every morning each family on the plantation (slaves) got some milk or clabber."
Black-and-white photograph of woman seated on a step holding a baby. Writing on front of image reads, "Billy & Baby [?] 1937." Writing on back of image reads, "6 weeks."
Black-and-white photograph depicting group of people standing next to horse race track. Writing below image reads, "Dr. E. Harry Barnwell. Horse Races, Dec. 2, 1937. Photo by C.L. Paul Esq."
Pamphlet for a tour of St. Andrew's and St. Paul's Parishes, including St. Andrew's Church, Drayton Hall, McLeod Plantation, Fenwick Hall, and Angel Oak. The tour was conducted by The Society for the Preservation of Old Dwellings for the benefit of The Heyward-Washington House on Saturday, April 4, 1936. The pamphlet contains driving directions. A handwritten note at the bottom of the page states the same tour was repeated on Thursday, March 10, 1937, except that the Angel Oak was omitted and tea was served at McLeod Plantation.
Black-and-white image depicting north west view of McLeod Plantation. Writing on back of image reads, "Built 1854. Portico added 1923. McLeod house, James Island - North east view. About 1935-1940."
Black-and-white image depicting west view of McLeod Plantation. Writing on back of image reads, "Built 1854. Portico added 1923. McLeod house James Island, west view, about 1935-1940."
Black-and-white image depicting southwest view of McLeod Plantation. Writing on back of image reads, "McLeod House, James Island. Southwest view. About 1935-40. The Tin roof was later replaces with asbestos shingles."
Black-and-white image depciting left side of north view of McLeod Plantation. Writing on image reads, "McLeod Residence. James Island near Charleston, S.C." Writing on back of image reads, "McLeod House 1854 built, Photograph by Howard R. Jacobs. About 1935."
Black-and-white image depicting view of McLeod Plantation residence. Inscription on back of image reads, "McLeod Plantation residence April 1933. By C.K. Huang, (Chinese)."
Black-and-white photograph depicting slave cabins on McLeod Plantation. Writing on back of image reads, "'The Stree' McLeod Plantation April 1933 by C.K. Huang (Chinese)."
Black-and-white image depicting north view of McLeod Plantation with small gate in front of walkway to portico. Writing on back of image reads, "McLeod House 1854 North View. About 1930-'35 this picture."
Black-and-white photograph, on card, of a bride and groom. Writing around image reads, "Angela M. K. Hazler & C. E. Godwin Simmons Aug. 30, 1930. A Merry Xmas."
Black-and-white photograph of three women picnicking in the woods. Writing on back of image reads, "Mrs. Hager - London, Eng. Her daughter Angela. Her niece Rebecca Rhodes of Massachusetts standing. Lunch in the woods McLeod Plantation Spring 1929."
Black-and-white photograph of flowers around a headstone.Writing on back of image reads, "Grave of Mrs. W.W. Mleod. May 1928. St. James Church Yard, James Island."
Black-and-white image depicting east view of McLeod Plantation. Writing on back of image reads, "McLeod house. James Island - East View. Kitchen added about 1905. About 1926-'30. House built 1854."
Black-and-white image depicting unidentified man with dog in front of McLeod Plantation. Inscription on back of image reads, " The Boss. McLeod residence, James Island, north side as it originally looked until portico was built in 1923. This picture was taken about 1921."
Black-and-white photograph of a man holding the hand of a young girl. Writing on back of image reads, "1915 Baltimore. Russian immigrant being detained for deportation. Old man & grand child."
Black-and-white photograph of 4 men and 4 women outside. Writing on back of image reads, "John P. and Talulah Hay Ellis Fort and their children taken about 1910. Front, L to R: Kate, John P., Talulah, Martina. Rear, L to R: Susan, Will, Tom, John."
Black-and-white photograph of two unidentified men attached to a color postcard of Magnolia Gardens. Writing on photograph reads, "Our maroon last summer - T.R.H." Writing on back of postcard reads, "Miss Minna McLeod, L.Y.L.C. Lebanon, Tenn."
Color illustration on a postcard addressed to "Miss Wilhelmina McLeod, James Island, S.C." Text on card reads, "July 27-07. I have something to tell you - It is reported that Mr. S - and Miss R[?] will be married this summer - in August - and that Mr. S. will have charge of a College in K[?]. Have been awaiting an opportunity to write you. Be as good as you can be - and be sure to be Happy. Cordially, C.H. Kinsborough."