Black-and-white photograph of the view west across what was the location of Belk Department Store (232 King Street) and parking lot, now the site of Charleston Place (formerly known as Charleston Center). Shows the buildings on the west side of King Street on the 225 block: Riviera Theater (225 King), 229 King, 231 King, 233 King, 235 King, 237 King, and 239 King. Southeast elevation of 238-242 King Street at mid-right of photo.
Black-and-white photograph of the view east from the corner of King Street and Market Street toward Meeting Street, across what was the location of Belk Department Store and parking lot, now the site of Charleston Place (formerly known as Charleston Center). Also in view are the rear elevations of Meeting Street buildings and the Meeting Street elevation of the Arnold-Hornik Building (112 North Market).
Black-and-white photograph of 85 Hasell Street (Mary Hawkins [dress shop]), street (front) elevation. To its left is an arched entry connecting 83 Hasell to 85, with the sign "Lion's Head." Building was demolished for the Hasell Street entry to Charleston Place and its parking garage.
Black-and-white photograph of 87 Hasell Street (Original Art by Local Artists), street (front) elevation showing alleyway and buildings to the east, now the Hasell Street entry to Charleston Place and its parking garage.
Black-and-white photograph of the aerial view looking southwest from Market Street near King Street toward Archdale Street. Tops of St. John's Lutheran Church and the Unitarian Church in background.
Black-and-white photograph of 83 Hasell Street, street (front) elevation, conjoined with the north elevation of 235 Meeting Street. (Currently the site adjacent to the Hasell Street entrance to Charleston Place.)
Black-and-white photograph of 199 Meeting Street (Ace Liquors Inc, formerly known as The Horse Shoe bar) and the view west across what was the location of Belk Department Store (232 King Street) and parking lot, now the site of Charleston Place (f/k/a Charleston Center). Shows buildings on the west side of King Street: 231 King, 233 King, 235 King, and 237 King.