Purpose and Objects of the Community Development Council for the Metropolitan Area of Charleston, S.C. And the membership list for the Architectural Survey Committee. ("Committee appointed 1940" handwritten on document.)
A report entitled "Inventory," which states the need for an architectural inventory and outlines the procedure for doing such a survey. (Presumably written 1940.)
A report entitled "Other Lines of Investigation," which outlines the actions needed to be taken to offer practical results from the survey, including zoning. (Presumably written 1940.)
Looking north on Church Street from Chalmers Street. Features buildings on the west side of the street: 127 Church, 129 Church, 131 Church, and the Dock Street Theater). Also in view are buildings on the east side of the street: 18 Chalmers Street, 132 Church Street, and St. Philip's Church). Cars are parked on the street.
Memorandum to the Committee (Homer Pace, E. Milby Burton, John Mead Howells, Sidney J. Rittenberg, Albert Simons, Alice R. Huger Smith, Samuel G. Stoney, Robert N.S. Whitelaw) written by Robert N.S. Whitelaw (Mar. 1, 1940) regarding the discussion of Frederick Law Olmsted's preliminary reports ("Central Considerations" and "Inventory"; see Folder 8), which led to the suggestion that index cards be used to conduct a preliminary architectural inventory.
Letter to Robert N.S. Whitelaw from Frederick Law Olmsted (Feb. 12, 1940) enclosing draft "Central Considerations" that completes the "Inventory" section, and informing Whitelaw that subsequent sections on zoning, parking, and traffic, will be delayed.
Memorandum to the Committee (Homer Pace, E. Milby Burton, John Mead Howells, Sidney J. Rittenberg, Albert Simons, Alice R. Huger Smith, Samuel G. Stoney, Robert N.S. Whitelaw) written by Robert N.S. Whitelaw (Jan. 10, 1940) about the funding from Carnegie Corporation given to the committee to pay the fee of Frederick Law Olmsted as a city planning consultant.
Letter to Frederick Law Olmsted from Robert N.S. Whitelaw (Mar. 1, 1940) informing him that preliminary work on the architectural inventory is to begin.
Letter to Robert N.S. Whitelaw from Frederick Law Olmsted (Feb. 14, 1940) enclosing suggestions about the architectural inventory. [Enclosure not in file.]
Letter to Robert N.S. Whitelaw from Frederick Law Olmsted (Mar. 6, 1940) enclosing another installment of his report related to the architectural inventory and also a New England Planning Commission report on its traffic problems.
Letter to Harold A. Mouzon (Carolina Art Association President) from Robert N.S. Whitelaw (Nov. 1, 1940) regarding the receipt of a grant from the Carnegie Corporation to fund the salary of an assistant to work in connection with the Charleston Regional Planning Committee, and informing them that Helen G. McCormack has accepted the position.
Letter to Frederick Law Olmsted from Robert N.S. Whitelaw (Apr. 23, 1940) informing him that the study is under way and that the committee needs to secure funding for a secretary. Whitelaw will let him know when there is additional information to report.
Letter to Frederick Law Olmsted from Robert N.S. Whitelaw (Nov. 11, 1940) enclosing clippings, mentioning Miss [Helen] McCormack's work with the Regional Planning Committee, and enclosing a copy of the "book we released on Nov. 1st."
Letter to Robert N.S. Whitelaw from Frederick Law Olmsted (Nov. 13, 1940) requesting a copy of sections of his report and expressing interest in the progress of the architectural survey.
Memorandum to the Committee (Homer Pace, E. Milby Burton, John Mead Howells, Sidney J. Rittenberg, Albert Simons, Alice R. Huger Smith, Samuel G. Stoney, Robert N.S. Whitelaw) written by Robert N.S. Whitelaw (Mar. 11, 1940) that enclosed Olmsted's "Other Lines of Investigation" (see Folder 8).
Letter to Robert N.S. Whitelaw from architect Robert D. Kohn (Feb. 13, 1940) praising the capabilities of Albert Simons with regard to the proposed city planning project.
Memorandum to the Committee (Homer Pace, E. Milby Burton, John Mead Howells, Sidney J. Rittenberg, Albert Simons, Alice R. Huger Smith, Samuel G. Stoney, Robert N.S. Whitelaw) written by Robert N.S. Whitelaw (Nov. 1, 1940) regarding the receipt of a grant from the Carnegie Corporation to fund the salary of an assistant to work in connection with the Charleston Regional Planning Committee, and informing them that Helen G. McCormack has accepted the position..
Looking north on Church Street from the northeast corner of Chalmers Street. Features buildings on the west side of the street: 129 Church, 131 Church, and the Dock Street Theater). Also in view are buildings on the east side of the street: 18 Chalmers Street, 132 Church Street, and St. Philip's Church). Cars are parked on the street.
Letter from Robert N.S. Whitelaw to Frederick Law Olmsted (Jan. 8, 1940) regarding the fee for Olmsted's services and providing the names and qualifications of committee members.
Letter to Robert N.S. Whitelaw from Frederick Law Olmsted (Feb. 2, 1940) enclosing brief introduction [to report], promising, i.e., "Central Considerations" that will deal with the immediate need for an architectural inventory.
Letter to Robert N.S. Whitelaw from Frederick Law Olmsted (Feb. 8, 1940) regarding status of "Central Considerations" and memorandum regarding the inventory project.
Letter to Frederick Law Olmsted from Robert N.S. Whitelaw (Jan. 26, 1940) thanking him for his recent visit and looking forward to Frederick Law Olmsted's report.
Letter to Frederick Law Olmsted from Robert N.S. Whitelaw (Feb. 12, 1940) acknowledging receipt of letter and enclosing a check for Frederick Law Olmsted's services.
A photograph album created by William Muckenfuss for Mrs. Frances A. Robb, in the 1940s. Album contains photographs of various Charleston buildings, houses, landmarks, sites, events, battleships, and people as well as other Lowcountry places. Mrs. Robb lived on Wentworth Street and several photographs are of her home and neighborhood.
Souvenir booklet and guide to Charleston, featuring a brief overview of the city, chronology of historic events, and descriptions of various points of interest. Includes color illustrations of houses, public buildings, houses of worship, and other sites. "Made in U.S.A. by E.C. Kropp Co., Milwaukee, Wis." (Booklet published ca. 1948 but illustrations appear to be reprints of E.C. Kropp Co. early-20th century postcards.) [30] p. : ill. ; 17 cm.
Looking north on East Battery Street from near the bend at White Point Gardens. Pedestrian is walking by White Point Gardens. Louis Desaussure House (1 East Battery) at center; Missroon House (40 East Bay Street) in the distance.
Looking west on Murray Boulevard from the bend at East Battery. Edge of White Point Gardens in view at right; Fort Sumter Hotel (now known as the Fort Sumter House at 1 King Street) in background. Cars on the road.
Looking west on Broad Street at 110 Broad Street (Bishop Northrop residence a/k/a William Harvey House a/k/a Ralph Izard House) and 114 Broad Street (Col. Thomas Pinckney House). Cars parked along the street.
View of the intersection of Broad and Meeting Streets, featuring the Federal Courthouse and Post Office and St. Michael's Church. A car, motorcycle, and bus are on the street the street. Also shows pedestrian activity.
Booklet features "pictures and text arranged in sequence by street on each street, making easy identification of all interesting and historic doorways and gateways." Also includes map of the Charleston peninsula with points of interest indicated. Distributed by Legerton & Company, Inc. (Charleston, S.C.). 43 p. : ill., map ; 22 cm.
View of Market Hall, southwest elevation, including market sheds, and the corner of Market and Meeting Streets. Cars on street and pedestrian crossing the street. Cravens Delco Radio [store] on North Market Street at left.
Looking north on Legare Street at 22 Legare Street (Charles Elliott House), a portion of which can be seen in the foreground (right). Man gathering leaves on the sidewalk. Car parked in background.
Scene on Meeting Street just south of the "Four Corners of Law" on Broad Street. Features the Federal Courthouse and Post Office and St. Michael's Church in foreground, and the County Courthouse and City Hall in background. Numerous cars are parked in front of the Federal Courthouse, with pedestrians on the sidewalk.
Looking west on Tradd Street at the outbuildings of 32 Legare Street (Sword Gate House). West End Dairy truck parked on street. Pedestrian on sidewalk and person riding a bike on street.