Black-and-white print of the exterior of the New Synagogue in Amsterdam. From an original illustration by Johannes Antonius (Anton) Jakma. Published in the Gedenkboek ter gelegenheid von het 40-jarig bestaan van het Centraal Blad voor Israelieten in Nederland, which celebrated the 40th anniversary of the weekly newspaper Centraal blad voor Israëlieten in Nederland.
Print reproduction of a pen and ink drawing of the exteriors of the New Synagogue and Great Synagogue in Amsterdam. Original drawing by Ludwig Willem Reymer Wenckebach. From Oud-Amsterdam : 100 stadsgezichten.
Black-and-white offset print reproduction of Talmudist David de Jahacob Lopez Cardozo giving a sermon in the Portuguese Synagogue in Amsterdam on July 22, 1866. After an oil painting by Jacob-Emile-Edouard Brandon. Published in the May 18, 1887, edition of L'Illustration.
Black-and-white offset print reproduction of Talmudist David de Jahacob Lopez Cardozo giving a sermon in the Portuguese Synagogue in Amsterdam on July 22, 1866. After an oil painting by Jacob-Emile-Edouard Brandon. Published in the August 3, 1867, edition of Le Monde illustré.
Black-and-white etching of Talmudist David de Jahacob Lopez Cardozo giving a sermon in the Portuguese Synagogue in Amsterdam on July 22, 1866. Etching after an oil painting by Jacob-Emile-Edouard Brandon. Printed Paris: Imp. A. Salmon. Published in the July 1867 edition of the Gazette des Beaux-Arts.
Black-and-white lithograph of the exteriors of the Portuguese Synagogue, New Synagogue, and Great Synagogue in Amsterdam. Lithograph by P. Blommers after a drawing by Willem Hekking, Jr. From Amsterdam in schetsen by Pieter Harmen Witkamp, published Amsterdam: G. W. Tielkemeijer.
Hand-colored lithograph of the exteriors of the Portuguese Synagogue, New Synagogue, and Great Synagogue in Amsterdam. Lithograph by P. Blommers after a drawing by Willem Hekking, Jr. From Amsterdam in schetsen by Pieter Harmen Witkamp, published Amsterdam: G. W. Tielkemeijer.
Hand-colored lithograph of the exteriors of the New Synagogue and Great Synagogue in Amsterdam. From Geschiedkundige beschrijving der stad Amsterdam, Volume 1, by Cornelis van der Vijver.
Black-and-white lithograph of the Portuguese Synagogue in Amsterdam, above, and the New Synagogue and Great Synagogue in Amsterdam, below. From Geschiedkundige beschrijving der stad Amsterdam, Volume 1, by Cornelis van der Vijver.
Hand-colored etching of the exteriors of the New Synagogue and Great Synagogue in Amsterdam. Engraving by Willem Hendrik Hoogamer after a drawing by Cornelis de Kruyff. From Vues choisies d'Amsterdam et ses environs dessinées d'après nature par C. de Kuyf et autres artistes, published Amsterdam: chez Franois Buffa & Fils.
Hand-colored etching of the exterior of the Portuguese Synagogue in Amsterdam. Engraving by Willem Hendrik Hoogamer after a drawing by Cornelis de Kruyff. From Vues choisies d'Amsterdam et ses environs dessinées d'après nature par C. de Kuyf et autres artistes, published Amsterdam: chez Franois Buffa & Fils.
Black-and-white engraved map of Amsterdam, with a key including the Portuguese Synagogue and Great Synagogue. From Le guide d'Amsterdam, ou Description de ce qu'il y a de plus intéressant, published Amsterdam: C. Covens.