Black-and-white Rosh Hashanah postcard of the exteriors of the Polnische Schul in the Leopoldsgasse, Leopoldstädter Tempel in the Leopoldstadt district, and Turnertempel in the Turnergasse in Vienna.
Hand-colored lithograph of the exterior of the Leopoldstädter Tempel in the Leopoldstadt district in Vienna. Lithograph by Carl Waage. Printed by the Artistische Anstalt v. Reiffenstein & Rösch in Wien. Published by Verlag v. Artaria & Co. in Wien.
Hand-colored etching of the exterior of the Leopoldstädter Tempel in the Leopoldstadt district in Vienna. Drawn by Franz Zastiera. Published by A. Mossauer.
Black-and-white engraving of the interior of the Stadttempel in Vienna. From Wiens vorzüglichste Gebäude und Monumente. Les principaux batiments et monuments de Vienne. Published Vienna: Chez Tranquillo Mollo.
Hand-colored lithograph of the exterior of the Leopoldstädter Tempel in Vienna. Drawing and lithograph by Rudolf von Alt; printed by Josef Stoufs. Published Vienna: L. T. Neumann.
Black-and-white offset print reproduction of the exterior of the Leopoldstädter Tempel in Vienna. From Die alten Strassen und Plätze von Wien's Vorstädten und ihre historisch interessanten Häuser, Volume 1, by Wilhelm Kisch.
Black-and-white offset print reproduction of the interior of the Türkischer Tempel (Turkish Temple) in the Zirkusgasse in Vienna. From a drawing by Johann Nepomuk Geller. Published in the December 8, 1888, edition of the Illustrirte Zeitung.