Photograph taken in Koszenica, Poland in the late 1920s. Among those pictured only Renee, her Aunt Tola and youngest uncle in second row survived the war. First row, left to right: Rose Borenstain-Fuchs (mother), Renee, Grandmother Borenstain, Yitzchak Fuchs (brother), Grandfather Borenstain, rest are cousins and Rose's sister (names not known). Second row, left to right: Moishe Chiel Fuchs (father), Tola Berenstain (maternal aunt), rest are cousins and uncles (names not known).
Photograph taken in 1925 or 1926 in Koszenica, Poland. First row, left to right (seated): great uncle (grandmother's brother-Sokol), Grandmother Fuchs, Renee, Grandfather Fuchs, Moishe Chiel Fuchs (father). Second row, left to right (standing): Aaron Fuchs, Elieazer Fuchs, Charna Fuchs, unknown, unk., unk., Simcha Fuchs.
Pencil on paper, 21cm x 27.5cm. Front depicts a drawing of the exterior of 8 St. Michael's Alley in Charleston, SC; back contains author's notes on the architecture and appearance of the building.
Watercolor on paper, 48.5cm x 36.5cm. Front depicts an aqueduct on an expanse of land with mountains in the background. Back contains the beginning of a watercolor painting featuring a building and a bridge.