The College of Charleston Magazine is a monthly publication released by the College of Charleston's Chrestomathic Society during the academic year. This volume is comprised of the bound together publications from the months of October 1910-May 1911, excluding March 1911.
Circa 1910 picture of Harry Blas' grandparents, Israel and Liba Blass, taken in Lodz, Poland. Picture was sent to Harry Blas' aunt, Esther Blass, in Montevideo, Uruguay.
This circa 1913 photograph was taken in London, England, and shows Francine's family on her father's side. First row, left to right: Aunt Pearl (Paula) Laufer (Lefer); Joseph Laufer (Lefer) (Francine's cousin); Alice Ajzensztark (Francine's aunt); Anna Ajzensztark (Francine's cousin). Back row, left to right: Henri Ajzensztark (Francine's cousin); David Ajzensztark (Francine's cousin); Mortre Mendel Ajzensztark (Francine's father); Max Ajzensztark (Francine's uncle).
Photograph depicts Renee Kolender's parents, Rose Borenstain-Fuchs and Moishe Chiel Fuchs, taken in Koszenica, Poland around 1915. Rose perished in the Chenstochowa labor camp in 1945. Moishe was executed in an unknown camp.
Early 1900s (1917?) picture of Harry Blas' immediate family (Harry was not yet born) in Lodz, Poland. Left to right: Harry Blas' sister, Malka Krant (Blass),sister Freida Blass (on mother's lap),mother, Sara Blass,father, Peretz Blass,brother, Josef(?) Blass (died of pneumonia before the war). Picture sent to Harry Blas' aunt, Esther Blass in Montevideo, Uruguay.
Photograph of Erika Blas' mother, Marie-Gertrude Botta-Stockfleth. Picture taken circa 1917 in Grevesmuehlen, Germany and blown up from an identification photo.
This circa 1917 photograph was taken in Poland and shows Mortre Mendel Ajzensztark, Francine's father, while he was in the Polish army. Once in France, he changed his name to Maurice.
Unpublished manuscript entitled, "The Conflict Between Rationalism and Traditionalism or Reform Judaism Prior to Abraham Geiger," written by Jacob Salmon Raisin. In this manuscript, Raisin discusses many topics regarding the events and changes in thought which lead to the emergence of modern Reform Judaism.
Advertisement for a mass meeting held at the Opera House in Aiken City. The advertisement notes the meeting being held in interest of the Jewish War Sufferers, and Rabbi Dr. Jacob S. Raisin as speaker.