Meeting minutes volume kept by the Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim Board of Trustees, 1916-1928. The entries in this volume concern all discussions regarding synagogue business, finances, memberships. The minutes also discuss supporting troops during World War I, as well as correspondences and meetings with the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, and preparations for the 100th Anniversary of the Reform Judaism in America.
Pencil on paper, 34cm x 26cm. Front contains drawings and descriptions of various architectural details including a dome over the alter in San Lorenzo, Florence, Italy, and a mosaic and pilaster capital in San Miniato al Monte in Florence, Italy. Back includes drawings and descriptions of various architectural details such as a mosaic in San Miniato al Monte, Italy, and a transom fan light in Florence, Italy.
Pencil on paper, 34cm x 26cm. Front contains drawing of two horse drawn carriages in Pistoia, Italy. Back includes drawings, measurements, and descriptions of various architectural details from the atrium of the Church of Santa Maria Maddalena dei Pazzi in Florence, Italy.
Pencil on paper, 35cm x 24cm. Front contains drawings, measurements, and details from a large iron grille in the Duomo, Perugia. Back contains additional drawings, descriptions, and measurements of architectural details including renaissance stone windows in the Piazza Giuseppe Garibaldi and a wrought iron grille on the Via Vannucci in Perugia, Italy.
Pencil on paper, 35cm x 24.5cm. Front includes drawings and descriptions of architectural details including a Byzantine capital and ornamental molding form the Cloisters of Mondreale Cathedral in Palermo, Italy. Back contains additional drawings and descriptions of various architectural details including column caps, iron fences, ceiling structures, and details of a courtyard in Tunis, Tunisia.
Pencil on paper, 34cm x 26cm. Front includes a drawing, details, and descriptions of a 17th century sheet iron gate on a stair landing in the Santa Maria Novella in Florence, Italy. Back contains drawings and descriptions of various architectural details from the Palazzo di Parte Guelfa in Florence, Italy.
Pencil on paper, 35cm x 24cm. Front contains drawings, descriptions, and measurements of a large wrought iron grille in Duomo, Perugia. Back depicts an outdoor scene featuring a house on a hill with mountains in the background. It reads, "Near Perugia".
Pencil on paper, 28.5cm x 22cm. Front contains various drawings, descriptions, and measurements of architectural details such as pilasters. Back includes a sketch of an unidentified building.
Pencil on paper, 27.5cm x 21cm. Front includes drawings, measurements, and descriptions of various architectural details such as column caps. Back contains unidentified architectural drawings and measurements.
Pencil on paper, 28cm x 22cm. Front contains drawings, descriptions and measurements of various architectural details. Back includes additional drawings and measurements of architectural details.
Photograph taken in Koszenica, Poland in the late 1920s. Among those pictured only Renee, her Aunt Tola and youngest uncle in second row survived the war. First row, left to right: Rose Borenstain-Fuchs (mother), Renee, Grandmother Borenstain, Yitzchak Fuchs (brother), Grandfather Borenstain, rest are cousins and Rose's sister (names not known). Second row, left to right: Moishe Chiel Fuchs (father), Tola Berenstain (maternal aunt), rest are cousins and uncles (names not known).
Pencil on paper, 27.5cm x 21cm. Drawings and descriptions of an iron balcony and interior face of paneled shutters of the Ralph Izard house on Broad Street in Charleston, South Carolina.
Pencil on paper, 25.5cm x 19cm. Drawing and descriptions of a spiral twist in stone on the main portal recess at the Cathe?drale Sainte-Ce?cile d'Albi in France.
Pencil on paper, 18cm x 13cm. Drawing, descriptions, and measurements of a colonial bolection panel mold at the Sawyer Free Library, Gloucester, Massachusetts.
Pencil on paper, 43cm x 28.5cm. Drawings, measurements, and architectural details of Il Chiostro, Abbazia di San Gregorio, Canal Grande, in Venice, Italy.
Pencil on paper, 16cm x 10.5cm. Front includes drawings, descriptions, and measurements of molds from the small, paneled ante-room of the Chateau de Fontainebleau. Back contains a drawing and descriptions of details from the small, paneled ante-room of the Chateau de Fontainebleau.
Work on paper, 15.5cm x 23cm. Unidentified sketch of a porch, buildings (including a post office), and a street.Leaflet cover for the Nantahala National Forest.
Pencil on paper, 18cm x 21.5cm. Front depicts a drawing of a horse drawn cart in Pistoia. Back includes an additional drawing of a different horse drawn cart in Pistoia.
Pencil on paper, 13.5cm x 21.5cm. Front contains drawings, descriptions, and measurements of various unidentified architectural details. Back includes various figures.
Pencil of paper, 21cm x 14cm. Front includes architectural drawings, descriptions, and measurements of various architectural details. Back includes additional architectural drawings and notes.
Pencil on paper, 14cm x 11cm. Front contains drawings and measurements of unidentified architectural details. Back includes a drawing of an unidentified architectural detail.