A sermon delivered by Reverend John B. Adger in The Second Presbyterian Church, Charleston, S.C. May 9th, 1847. The speech stresses the master's caring for enslaved people, often quoting the New Testament and Old Testament. References to Jesus's compassion for the care and teaching of the poor. Stresses the role of paternalism in the treatment of enslaved peoples and teaching of the gospel. Originally bound in v. 22 of the Thomas Smith Grimke pamphlet collection.
Pencil sketches by Charleston-born architect William Martin Aiken. Primarily interior architectural features from Venice, Italy, with a few outdoor scenes.
A report from the mayor, city council and various governmental departments of Charleston, South Carolina, for the year 1889. The Year Book opens with an address from Mayor George D. Bryan followed by reports from various departments.
Black-and-white offset print reproduction of the interior of the Great Synagogue in London at Duke's Place. Published in the December 14, 1889, edition of L'Univers illustré.
Caricature by Bernhard Gillam published in Puck. The caricature depicts William Walter Phelps, Murat Halstead, and Joseph Medill standing at the "Solomon's Wall" of Blainiac Republicans (referring to James Gillespie Blaine), which is labeled with the words "party patronage." William M. Evarts is shown approaching the wall. In German, the text reads : "Die Juden von Jerusalem versammeln sich noch heutzutage an der sog. 'Salomon’s Mauer' der Tempel-Ruinen und wehklagen über die verschwundene Herrlichkeit Israel’s." In English, the text reads : "The Jews of Jerusalem gather even today in front of what is called "Salomon's Wall" (Western Wall) of the Temple ruins and lament the vanished glory of Israel."
The pamphlet by John S. Fairly, written after slavery had been abolished, outlines the past relationship between enslaved peoples and the church. Originally published in the Charleston World, May 4, 1889.
Color offset print reproduction of the exterior of the Hauptsynagoge (Main Synagogue) on Hans-Sachs-Platz in Nuremberg. From the Geïllustreerde encyclopaedie: woordenboek voor wetenschap en kunst, beschaving en nijverheid, Volume 8, by Antony Winkler Prins.