Stereoscopic image of Beaufort residence with back material noting it as "Hospital No. 7." Handwritten note on verso also has the names Fripp, Wadell and Rowland written on it.
Stereoscopic image of Verdier House. Handwritten note on caption on verso reads "John Mark Verdier House, 1800 Headquarters, Officers, Lafayette House, 1861-1864."
Stereoscopic image of a captain, his wife, and their two children outside of a residence in Beaufort, South Carolina. The handwritten caption on the verso reads, "Beaufort, SC 1865 Capt. Jos. P. Low a.q.iu, Mrs. Elizabeth N. Low, Havy Niles Low, Alice Lincoln Low."
Stereoscopic image of a large building behind a fence, with a large gate. Sign on the upper porch 'U.S. Sanitary Commission'. A handwritten caption on the verso reads, "Old Rhett House, built by James Verdier, 1814."
Stereoscopic image of a street view of New St., renamed 5th St. during Union occupation, between residential buildings. People visible in the background with a horse and carriage. Handwritten caption on verso reads, "5th Street in Beaufort. New Street."
Stereoscopic image of the Rhett House with three people visible outside. Handwritten caption on verso: "Rhett House Beaufort, SC. Now occupied by U.S. tax commissioners. Milton Maxcy, Rhett, Middleton Elliott, Fr. Smith, Cerr, McLeod"
Stereoscopic image of a building, taken from across the water. The handwritten caption on the verso reads, "Francis Stuart House, Site of Dr. Black, Magnolia Hotel, Used as courthouse 1865-1872 when it was burned."
Stereoscopic image of a Beaufort, South Carolina residence and a horse drawn carriage parked by the road. The caption on the verso reads, "Ordinance Office, Beaufort, SC" and, "Barnwell, Crocker, Pollitzer, Hirsch."
Stereoscopic image of a house and surrounding landscape. Handwritten note on verso indicates the home as William Barnwell's home located on the corner of Prince and Scott St.
Stereoscopic image of large building in Beaufort, South Carolina. Handwritten note on the back reads "A. D. Coclin Residence built by Col. Means, Hospital # 2."
Stereoscopic image of a street view and a residence on a corner in Beaufort, S.C. Caption on the back of image, handwritten "Cooley's Photograph Gallery Beaufort, SC, Dr. White's"
Stereoscopic image of a large Beaufort residence with a man standing on the front steps. Handwritten caption on front reads, "Duplicate." Handwritten caption on verso reads,"Mission House, Beaufort, S.C. Mission House"
Stereoscopic image of a building partially obscured by trees. There is a group of men outside of a tent in the foreground. The handwritten caption on the verso reads, "Episcopal Church Beaufort, SC. Converted into a hospital."
Stereoscopic image of brick residence in Beaufort, South Carolina. Seven men standing on both upper and lower porch. Handwritten caption on verso reads, "Built by Smith & Gordon, Fuller, Bellamy."
Stereoscopic image of a house and landscape in Beaufort, South Carolina. Handwritten notes on verso reads, "Hospital No. 4, Wm Barnwell, Prince and Scott - Schoenberg."
Stereoscopic image of an officer holding a telescope next to a ship. The handwritten note on the verso identifies him as the "2nd Officer of Steam Ship Fulton."
Stereoscopic image of an African American man standing on a cart with a second man looking into the contexts of the box on the cart. The verso contains a handwritten note reading, in part, "This is our Dark Room."
Stereoscopic image of a group of Civil War soldiers gathered in formation outside of a potential encampment. Printed material on the verso reads, "Colored Guard Mounting, Beaufort, S. C."
Stereoscopic image of Bay Street in Beaufort, which was renamed Saxton Avenue during the union occupation. After the war the name returned to 'Bay Street.'
Stereoscopic image of with soldiers, horses and carts inside Fort Gregg. The printed caption on the verso notes the image as "Interior Fort Gregg, Morris Island, S.C."