Comprehensive Manpower Program Staff Cost Backup and Budget Summary for the Historic Building Restoration program of Penn Community Services, listing position titles and salaries, timetable, tools and equipment for renovation project.
The State of South Carolina in the Supreme Court appeal from Charleston County Court of General Sessions, the Honorable Rodney A. Peeples, Presiding Judge, State of South Carolina vs. Robert Lee Smith, Brief of Appellant.
Typescript chapter from The Atrocity of Education entitled, "Preparation for Democratic Citizenship" by Arthur Pearl where the author argues that the school rather than generating respect for the democratic institutions does the opposite.
Draft of project proposal entitled, "Civil Rights Learning Resource Development Project," written by Bernice Robinson including sections on background, method and procedure, and procedural phases and time frame.
Memorandum from Charles S. Chandler, Director of the South Carolina White House Conference on Handicapped Individuals,to Study Group Leadership Members regarding suggested study group procedures. Includes "Regional Forum Suggested Group Discussion Format and Time Table," "Issue Reporting Form," "Discussion Topics," and "Regional Forum Program."
Program Planning and Control Procedures Guide for the South Carolina Commission for Farm Workers, Inc., including appendices regarding the "Annual Program Planning Process," "Advisory Council Planning Information Form," "Staff Planning Council Planning Information Form," "Program Planning Worksheet," "Program Priorities Recommendations," Worksheet for Program Event and Measurement Definitions," and "Management Report."
John Hay Whitney Foundation pamphlet discussing the foundation's purpose, description of the foundation operations, and current programs of the foundation.